
I am suppose to write a thank you speech for graduation. Any ideas? Funny? Serious? Poem??

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I am suppose to write a thank you speech for graduation. Any ideas? Funny? Serious? Poem??




  1. Those are all good ideas, try incorporating them all! Graduation is a very emotional time. You should be serious at times, so that people understand how serious graduating from high school/college is. But also try to be funny, because everybody's near crying, y'know! And why not incorporate a little poem into it? Like that Dr. Suess story "Oh, The Places You'll Go" I think almost every graduation speech uses that! Haha!

  2. Check out the book "The places you will go" by Doctor Suess

  3. see first of dont make it too long filter it to some 40 lines and be clever and witty as far as possible at times be a little touching and a better idea is to incorparte the shakespeare lines to make it perfect

  4. only if you're the valedictorian or salutatorian....otherwise don't even bother.

  5. rap it out

  6. well, you should put in some funny moments that everyone in your class will remember. it will make them laugh, but it will have a meaning, as if to say, "we will all be life long friends, when remembering the past."

    i bet you'll have everyone laughing and crying. good luck!!


    -babycakes. (:  

  7. Start with a joke and pepper in some quotes that will help you explain your points.

  8. A thank you speech will have everyone on your side right away. At an emotional time like graduation they will love it.

    Perhaps the idea of a basically formal speech, with the thanks in order, with your own personality in the added parts with humor, poems etc.

    It may be a good idea to arrange your material. Thinking through any funny stories including of the people. Perhaps there have truly been outstanding contributions, fun occasions, great teamwork for perhaps a charity fund raiser, dealing with adversity.

    What do you think, it is your speech.

    A positive speech is always best. A poem can be great if it fits with your speech.

    You may have a strict time limit, perhaps 3 or 4 minutes which is not a lot of time.

    To deliver well, write in the top half of the page to help you keep eye contact, speak slowly and clearly, practice as often as you can and visit the podium in advance to get a feel for your surroundings.

    The best of luck!

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