
I am sure as most of us know, Bush`s grandfather helped put Hitler in power, the first holocaust the?

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government killed millions of Hebrew people while the population of germany looked the other way. Now that the same people are out and pulling the strings in full force, and with all the anti semetic attacks and public comments in USA and England in the past few years. Could this time, Bush and his little group who come from the same people who masterminded the last holocaust, be putting a new spin to it this time. Secretly spurning anti semetism waaay more amongst the people, so the population turns against Hebrew people while the government looks innocent? Is this why on a documentary I seen the other night, so many prominent Jewish people in the USA are practicaly in hiding?




  1. Do you realize everything you just said was false right? I mean really... what are you on?

  2. So where are you from?  I'm sure that I could point out how your nation assisted n**i Germany as well.

  3. Prescott Bush was involved with a bank that accepted German business even after it became illegal for American companies to deal with them.  Not exactly the same thing, but enough of a coincidence when combined with the fascist signs of corporations replacing the voice of the people in government.

    The anti-Semitism is a lot more subtle this time around, even if Bush is friendly with the Saudis who probably hate Israel as much as the other terrorist supporters do.

  4. No.

  5. Dude, who is Bush?  Are you talking about the lame duck president of the usa?  Who cares what he is doing or what his relatives did?   He's finished.  He's old news.  You get it?  No one cares about any of that stuff you said.  You need to find some other more relevent conspiracies to espouse.

  6. gee if you hate the country so much you should try and live in the country's that support your view.  and say good by to the life you know with the things you have.

  7. Some of the most powerful people in this country are Jewish you jackass!

    Look who's running the Fed.  

  8. WTF.

  9. Uh...on top of being patently false, you DO realize that Bush isn't running this time 'round?

    Yes?  Maybe?

  10. I think you are confused. Perhaps you were getting Bush's grandpa mixed up with JFK's father. Joe Kennedy was a n**i sympathizer. Quit trying to ignore the group of midgets that are knocking at your door. You have revealed the secrets now they are coming for you.    

  11. "a documentary I seen the other night"... really?  Nice grammar, and you expect to be taken seriously?  I love how you pose this as an accepted fact just because you use the phrase "I am sure most of us know..." .  If by "most of us" you mean you, and by "know" you mean believe, then you have a point.  Are you really this ignorant?  Wow.

  12. You are very very ignorant of history, aren't you?

    A LOT of people helped put Hitler in power. And most were only doing so to keep Germany from falling to Communism, not to help set-up or cause the holocaust. No one saw that bit coming.  

  13. Makes me wonder why there is no free beer and pretzel at the RNC.

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