
I am sure that there are different motions.Define them.?

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define all of the motions of the earth




  1. 1. Rotational. The earth spins on its axis.

    2. Pole wobble. The direction of the earth's axis gradually changes making a complete wobble reversal of about 23 degrees to the other side of the axis in about 26000 years.

    3. Orbital motion. The earth revolves around the sun making one complete revolution in 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46.2797 seconds.

    4. Solar system orbital motion. The solar system together with the sun and the planets orbit around the center of the galaxy Milky Way.

    5. Solar system traverse motion. The sun and its planetary complements are observed to be moving towards a point in the constellation Hercules.

    6.Galaxy traverse motion. The Galaxy Milky Way where the sun is located is observed to be receding from other galaxies.

    Within the earth itself, its components; the core, the mantle and the crust are moving relative to each other.

    There may be other motions where the earth is involved like the spin of the entire universe.  But this is something beyond our present capabilities to detect.

  2. The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at one of the foci. An ellipse is characterized by its two focal points;

    A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time as the planet travels along its orbit. This means that the planet travels faster while close to the sun and slows down when it is farther from the sun. With his law,

    The squares of the orbital periods of planets are directly proportional to the cubes of the semi-major axes (the "half-length" of the ellipse) of their orbits. This means not only that larger orbits have longer periods, but also that the speed of a planet in a larger orbit is lower than in a smaller orbit.

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