
I am takeing a class at school with kids who have disabilities and this 1 kid wont talk...... i need help?

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this 1 kid wont talk i no he can talk cause he talks for the teachers but he wont talk for me i have 2 take him 2 lunch and i never no what he wants cause he wont talk 2 me does anytbody no how 2 make him talk for me he needs 2 expained his vocabulary (thats what the teachers say) the teachers want me 2 have him talk i have been having him point




  1. That hard yes trust him like what the lady said he might be having personal problems also have speical problems too so, it will take time you need to give him time even thoguh he dose not want to talk to you. you did not mention what his disabilities are if it attention disorder than that could be a case because he dose need listening skills, communication skill so it is going to be a lot fo work for him so be kind to him and trust him and continue to have patience to him it wil take a lot of patience and it dose require patience. so do not make him talk if he dose not wan tto talk just wait until  he is ready to talk.

  2. I hope you're not his teacher because your grammar and vocabulary is horrific. If you plan on becoming a teacher I suggest you read more often.

    I think you should try and make him laugh, observe him, you'll soon notice what his likes and dislikes are, and when you do try to make him come around you by introducing things he might enjoy. It might take some time since it seems like he only acts functionable around the people he's comfortable, he'll grow comfortable to you in time.

  3. he has a dissability?  give him time. he is probly just very shy. at lunch say, now you are going to have to tell me what you want to eat. be very nice and keep trying. he may have to warm up to you. if after a long time he still wont talk, confront the teacher, maybe she can help.   good luck!!

  4. What type of disability does he have, this is important to understand how his disability affects him.

    If he is Autistic then it is not uncommon for people with autism  not be very uncommunicative at times, and particularly towards people they do not know.

    All people with a disability will take time to trust people, and your body language will also have an impact on how they respond to you.

    Its important that you smile (genuine) when approaching this young man, and say how are you today .......... name. (I have worked with children who refuse to acknowledge some support workers/teachers aide because they did not smile or acknowledge them by name etc)

    This is how I would work with him;

    After acknowledging him, I would tell him what we are going to do, e.g ok lets go get our lunch, then ask what do you feel like today, then tell him what your having.

    But don't give to many choices as this can be overwhelming and making a decision harder for them, equally don't push him to make a decision quickly, as this crates frustration (especially so if autistic).

    Once he has made a choice find some where quite and eat lunch with him, then talk about things around you, the trees, birds etc.

    May I also suggest a small book which you can put in

    He may not respond straight away, but with persistence over time he will eventually communicate even if its a word or two, if he does speak tell him well done what a clever young man you are.

    What ever you do not with hold his lunch as someone suggested, you will find yourself in trouble with the school and his parents. And if this is an area you want to work in it will go against you.

  5. What you could try doing is Talking to him about stuff he would want to talk about like if he likes Cars, or Trains. Then h**l begin to talk to you about other stuff.Also try talking to him more and more everyday.  If this doesn't work, then maybe you need another

  6. Try and get him to trust u.

  7. Although this sounds cruel, dont give him anything in the lunch line until he either ansers yes I want that or specifically tells you what he wants.  Eventually he will tell you what he needs.  I do this with a child in my class and now when I ask him if he wants a certein food he says yes or no.  It was hard at first but he now says yes and no.  THats a start.  I hope this helps your child.  Good Luck!

  8. Children with disabilities have one or 2 people who they trust. They feel safe with only those people. You have to let him talk on his own time. You can not force it. You can say "Do you want this? Yes or No? " There is absolutely nothing wrong with you having him point though.Start simple. If he refuses to answer don't get it for him.He should answer yes/no questions for you though.

  9. try 2 get him to trust u

  10. it sounds like he has 2 problems from what you just gave me.

    First it sounds like he is shy.

    Second it also sounds like he has a problem with his self confedense.  One thing that I would do is have the teacher go out in the hall with you and this person so that he does not lock up from fear of the class.  Have the teacher tell him that if he does not talk to you when you take him to get his lunch he could get into trouble.  Yes it is just to bluff him and see if he will talk. The other thing that I would do is see if the teacher can talk with his parents and see if they can help open him up some.

  11. This sounds like a trust issue to me. If he talks for his teachers but won,t talk for you it sounds like he is afraid that you might hurt him. I think what may be a good idea is to have the teacher go with you and him once or twice and let the teacher explain to him that you're not there to hurt him but help him. I think once he sees that the teacher is okay with you and that you are there to help he'll finally start trusting you and then he will talk. It can't hurt to try it. I deal with this problem every day My son is autistic, non-verbal and 15 years old.

  12. You need to do the question over again i can not understand it.

  13. hmmm thats alot of pressure on you, but it shows the teacher thinks you are up for the task

    maybe when at lunch you could say silly things like

    do you want a elephant hamburger or spider pizza today?

    milk or spit juice

    any thing to make the other student talk because who wants spit juice?

    maybe they just need more time to talk to you keep giving them choices and not just yes or no questions so they have to make a choice

    give them time and dont put to much pressure on your self its your job to help not to fix their problem

    good luck

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