
I am taking Concerta (an adhd medication) will it show up in my work drug test?

by  |  earlier

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I took the medication exactly 24 hours prior to the drug test and was a VERY low dosage. That was my first time ever taking it.




  1. You shouldn't have any problems. If a doctor legally prescribed it to you, then it's a non-issue if it shows up.

  2. Concerta is a controlled substance, which means that there are stricter prescibing guidelines with the FDA.  If it does show anything on a drug test, as long as you have a valid current prescrition, you will be fine.  

  3. it will show up as a stimuland.. but who ever is giving these tests needs to know that you are being perscribed this medication. you should be fine.. good luck

  4. Concerta is methylphenidate. Methylphenidate is not tested for in drug tests but it is closely related to things that are tested for. It can go (and has gone) either way. Since you waited 24 hours my guess would be you're in the clear, but I would still start thinking of a good story/excuse, just in case.

    Oh, but if you have a prescription, it will be excused anyway.

  5. You should tell them that you are prescibed this medication and bring any and all bottles with you to a drug test.  Most drug tests only test for pot, coke and meth, so you should be fine, but let them know to be on the safe side.

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