
I am taking clomid and it is not working! Was so convinced this month........?

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Hi everybody! I am on my 3rd month of clomid 50mg as of today. I took my 1st cycle, and nothing happened, besides really bad mood swings and hot flushes! Second round felt different, didnt get that bad side effects and was convinced I was pregs as a few days ago my nipples started hurting! But only my luck, I have come on my period again today!!! Soooo upset! So now on my 3rd cycle of clomid started today. I am really starting to get my hopes up! 5 years running and no luck at all! I do wonder why the docs didnt give me clomid years ago, they just tested me every few months. I am on clomid 50mg for 6months, and then will go back and see my obgyn. I am having blood tests on cycle day 21 every month and don't have any idea whether I am actually ovulating or not. Please give me some hope or has anyone been in the same situation as me?? When I started on clomid, I was so convinced it was going to work for me, now I am just feeling there is no hope at all! HELP ME PLEEEAAASSEE!! Thank You




  1. sorry to hear you're going through this, hang in there, on average it takes 3 months to get pregnant on Clomid, also your doctor might want to increase your dose, and/or move you to other things like Femara, you can also ask a doctor online for free for advice, try this website, FertilityTies

    good luck!

  2. If the 50 mg didn't work the first month Your doctor definetly should be uping your dose! You should be up to 150mg by now...obviously the 50mg isn't working for your body! If you want to know when you are Ovulating you should start charting your BBT (basal body temperature). It will help you pin point the day you ovulate. Got to it will help will be able to understand what your body is going alot better! I hope that helps!

  3. i don't see why they are staying at the same dose for 3 months.

    my doc has me on 50mg for the first month, then he will scan my ovaries to see if i develop egg/s. If not, he'll up the dose.

    Are they checking to see if that dose is even working at all?

    you could try an ovulator predictor kit, to check yourself if you're ovulating?

    Fingers crossed for this month. :D Good luck for us both.

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