
I am teaching a class english life.. and i need help with games?

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i am teaching a class english life.. wat to say wen they go to restaraunts, malls.. hospitals.. etc.. but the class is b oring.. i would like some games to help them learn while having fun. this week we are doing restaraunts.. any game wud be good.. plzzzz helpp




  1. Role playing is always good.  If you have no volunteers, pull out the chocolate for volunteers, or offer extra credit.  BUT in high school, there's usually someone who craves an audience!

  2. Well, there are thousands of games to play, and a quick web-search using "EFL games", "ESL games", or "ELT games" will find you plenty of fun things to do, but...

    Interest is not necessarily the same as 'fun'.  Often the main things that keep interest and motivation levels up are:

    1) Lead in / Engagement:  If you build up interest in the topic by starting the class with a picture, then asking questions about it, and encouraging the Ss to ask their own questions about it - they become enthused about trying to find out more... and that sets them up to be curious about the entire lesson.

    2) Pace:  A variety of whole-class, pair work, group work, and work alone stages; as well as a variety of talk and/or move around contrasted with thinking, reading or listening quietly and calmly.  

    3) Topic:  The topic has to be an interesting one.  If it's simply 'eating at a restaurant' then adapt the text so that it's about two people dating - the man thinks the girl likes him, but she doesn't - add a twist or a bit of spice to the topic.

    4) Challenge:  If the tasks are too difficult or too easy, no-one will be interested.

    Try changing this up, before resorting to 'games'.

  3. You could rearrange the classroom like  a restaurant - a table surrounded by four chairs or so..You could ask ur students to bring some table lamps, or safe candles in holders, some tissue papers, some plates, and cutlery set, cups and saucers. YOu could ask them to bring some food prepared at home and u could divide a part of the class, like a kitchen, where one can place the food on the plate and carry it to the customer. Once u finalise the dishes the students can bring, you could prepare a menu card, ask the students to design them...the students could dress like waiters, chefs....Why dont u see the movie 'Ratatouille' animated film where there is more of hotel scenes which will help you to arrange for a restuarant atmosphere. You could hand over, if possible, a small mic to the students so that all the others hear how they speak and also you could correct them, with the right words and pronounciation. This will work out fine I believe...good luck...

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