
I am teaching abroad and having doubts about staying another year?

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I taught abroad for a year. It was a great experience--the kids, the travel, the food. Initially it was suppose to be for a year. When I got the letter of intent (not contract) it said 2 years. I went back and forth with the school and finally just sucked it up. After being there for a year, I am having doubts about going back. While everything was great, I just want more with my life. I want to date Americans, I want to have an American social life. I want to do the social things that people my age are doing (I'm 27). I will have to sign a contract for the next year in a couple of days.

I feel that its hard to walk away from such a fabulous opportunity. I feel that I would regret it in a couple of years. I would look back and say that I was so anxious to have an American life (for some reason) that I gave up an opportunity of a lifetime. People I have talked to say to follow my heart/gut, but it doesn't tell me anything. I get answers both ways--opport. versus imm




  1. Can I trade with you? I am uninterested in American social life and usually prefer dating foreign women.

    In my opinion, you aren't missing anything back here. Especially if you are used to traveling, you will be probably bored after a few months. Right now you are probably just homesick. Maybe see if they will let you take a short leave. It would be shame to pass up on travel and foreign teaching opportunities just to come back here and party and listen to people talk about their job at the office.

    I spent a year overseas a couple of years ago and cannot wait to leave again (but it will be another year before I get the chance.)

    I think you would regret cutting short your opportunity, especially when you come back and it is not as great as you are thinking now. What you have is a great opportunity. There is no real difference between being 27 and 28. You can come back and do whatever here in a year. If you really are miserable there, then maybe you should come back. If not, then you should think very carefully about whether this is just passing homesickness. If you are the type of person who would go overseas and teach for a year, you are likely going to be very bored with "American life."

  2. I worked overseas in the middle east on contract.  I made it through the first year with no trouble because my husband was there, too.  But when he got on a different contract in a neighboring country, I signed a second year but decided to come home to the States just a few months shy of completing it.  I missed my family and friends and American culture.  

    I would suggest that if you are having doubts, do not sign another year.  If it's borderline, then go ahead and sign on for another year if you can abandon your contract without penalty.

    Many people in the company I worked for simply never returned from their vacations.  I hope you find a solution that works for you.

  3. Well I suppose if you go you could have your American social life just one year later but if you want one that bad I'd choose to stay in America (that is where you live isn't it?)I know you don't want to here this but it really is up to you.

  4. .....i know how you feel....i lived in Indonesia for 2 years 05-07....and then my dad moved us back to the uk...where we came from...and i had the opportunity to move to the states....not go back...but still.....i had so many doubts.....first of all i was going to be living with my mom.....that's new to me...and i would be going to an American school..and just my life would change in general.....but in the end i thought about it..hard...i had many nights...just wondering...i could barely sleep....but in the end...i just took a chance and im soo glad i life has turned out much better than it would have in the basically....i would stay.....take a chance.....and in only a year...which is not that long at can date as many US men as u hope you come to a decision as painlessly at possible.....good luck, for whatever you choose..

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