
I am terrified of taking my driving test (UK)...?

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I am 17 years old, and in the past I have suffered from a lot of panic attacks and anxiety (I've had CBT, drugs etc) which led me to not leaving the house through fear of vomitting. I am pretty much over that now and lead a normal life. However, all these anxieties have come back when it comes to my driving test. I know I can do it, but I cannot even think about sitting in the car for my test without feeling ill...I won't allow myself to fail because of my nerves rather than lack of driving ability. I really don't know what to do. I need to drive. But I need to get over this. Please help?




  1. Hello Liam, Deep breathing exercises will help you to calm down a bit, as well as learning to relax your body fully (try not to tense up). I know its easier said than done, however, if you have worked hard to get this far then you deserve to pass your test with ease. Think positive and do your best, good luck...

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