
I am testing for alkalinity in my pool, the reading comes up yellow, what does that mean? too high or too low?

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I am testing for alkalinity in my pool, the reading comes up yellow, what does that mean? too high or too low?




  1. Usually alkalinity is tested by titrating - that is you fill a test tube with a sample plus a colored indicator, and count drops of sulfuric acid to make the sample go from colored to clear.  For the test kit I use, if I over-titrate, that is I go past clear (turns yellow), I have added too much acid to the solution.  If you're using a similar testing procedire, and your first drop turns it yellow, I'm guessing that means that your alkalinity is way too low (possibly < 10 ppm).

  2. If you can add some info that would be great. What kind of test are you using- strips or liquid drops? What brand of test kit? Let me know and I will let you know what it means.

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