I want my d**n peace and quiet, I can't get it. I have to deal with the noisy asses and let me tell you I don't want to deal with them. I don't want to cope with stuff I don't want to cope with. I don't want to make sacrifices anymore! I don't want to suffer and struggle anymore!
I totally hate people. This includes anyone, and everybody. All they do is anger me. I'm serious.
All I want is people to start making me happy for a change. Yes that's right, I need to be happy for once. Not everyone else in the d**n world. It's time for me, Kelly to be happy! I wasn't born on earth to please everyone else! Jesus!
I'm strictly not going to change my attitude for no one either. I am me and if you bloody h**l don't like me, do me a d**n favor and go bleeping die. I bleeping mean it.
As for now I quit talking to anyone even on these yahoo answers.
I feel like I can never get my revenge against anyone because nobody lets me kill anyone without getting caught.
I bloody h**l hate my life. Why the h**l am I living then if nobody is going to make me happy for once and in where I stay happy?
Which is why I wish I was a ghost with a gun or something like that, because you can't kill a ghost.