
I am the moderator of agroup,i dont have control over messages that are sent to all members by some others,hel

by Guest56321  |  earlier

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what i mean is when i was creating the group,the idae was to stop so many unnecessary emails being sent to all the members email addresses and conntrol it from a central point

but this does not seem to be happening as anyone just posts a message to the group and it gets to evryone and me at the same time

is there a feature i can activate so that this moderator function will work




  1. In the group you are in, click on Members, then moderators, then find your name and click on that, on the bottom of the screen is a list of items that are allowed to do, whatever is in red you are not allowed, to change this, click on edit if available then change what you need. Then click on Save Changes.

  2. If your group is moderated, then you (or another moderator that you appoint) need to approve all messages. You can do this several ways.

    From the My Groups page:

        * The number of pending messages will appear under the Messages Pending column. If you have messages, the number will be linked. Click on this link, which will take you to the Pending Messages page.

        * Review, edit, approve or delete the pending messages by clicking on the appropriate link.

    From the Messages page:

        * Click on the Pending section in the Messages area. You’ll see a list of pending messages (if any exist).

        * Review, edit, approve, or delete the pending messages by clicking on the appropriate link.

    From email:

    If you’ve selected to receive notifications of pending messages (available in the Email Notification area of Edit Membership), you’ll be notified via email every time there’s a message awaiting your approval. You can either reply to the message or click on the link in the notification email.

  3. * if you're a moderator, you can not change your own priviledges, only an owner can*

    are there spam messags you're trying to prevent? a group is just that, posts sent to the group goes to e-mail depending on the members group e-mail settings. those on no mail will get no posts in their e-mail. those with individual or digest settings are suppose to get all group mail, and they should and already be aware of this.

    you can moderate incoming posts, and decide to apporve or delete them prior to them just going to your group- I'm not sure if that's the issue you're speaking about- many groups moderate new members to prevent spam

    you can set default as to who the 'send to' field is, however any member can edit this and insert the group address than the sender/ writer of the post.

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