
I am the mom of the robe and comp. kid.... I work 7 dats a week and I can't afford camp,and there are no kids

by  |  earlier

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in my area. I would love to send him to camp I think it would be good for him.. He is a good kid and he does take showers and brush his teeth, along with any chores I ask him to do. If I tell him to get dressed he does, if I ask him to do something he does. What is wrong with this? By the way his Father has nothing to do with him, so I am mom and dad.




  1. he needs something besides the computer during the summer. maybe camps have $ assistance?

  2. Look into the YMCA - they have 'scholarships' for parents who cannot afford their regular rates.  One summer, both of my boys went there all summer (day camp) and it was less than the price of sending one of them.

    There is help out there if you really look!

    Boy Scouts is another excellent organization to use.

  3. same thing with me when I was a child. Look into YMCA they have money help and fun feild trips!

  4. Well if he is under the age of 14 you may find him being placed into foster care one day.  It is against the law to leave a child under the age of 14 at home alone for more than 2 hours a day.  What is wrong with with leaving home alone all day is that he is not a responsible adult...he is a CHILD and needs to spend time doing CHILD activities other than vegetating in front of a computer screen.  If I were a neighbor I'd be calling CPS because he deserves much better than what you are giving him in the way of a life.

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