
I am the plaintiff can you tell me why the owner of the defendants law firm wants to settle & his employee not?

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I am the plantiff and why do you think that the owner of the defendants law firm wants to settle but his employee who is also the other attorney representing the defendants does not but instead he want to drag it out as long as he possibly can?




  1. It's all about the money.

    Your lawyer gets a part of the settlement when they pay (unless you are paying the cost of the lawsuit).

    The defense attorney gets paid by the hour for defending the firm.  The one who wants to settle quickly is probably the more ethical one, the other wants to milk the client for more money before ultimately setteling and killing the cash cow.

    Good Luck

  2. The attorney who does not want to settle thinks he can win.  Besides, the longer the case drags out, the more income for the attorney.

  3. It's like the first person Cindy B said the money. Just be careful as i knew a person quite well that was injured working in a meat Plant and the Company offered $100,000 to settle and they his Lawyers convinced him to fight and take it to a jury and he lost and ended up with only $25,000 which i believe was from the insurance.

  4. This is not a psychic website!

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