If someone asks me to do something, i do it, right away. Even if it's something they are fully capable of doing. Sometimes it's something i enjoy sometimes, not so much. If someone can't pay for something, i pay for it. If someone has done something really wrong to me and asks for my help, i help. I can't help it. Part of me feels like it's a good thing. But people always say that I'm just a push over and everyone walks all over me. And that seems like a sign of weakness. I don't know how to say "no" you know? Like my sisters pregnant, so if theres something she's capable of doing (her laundry) but doesn't feel like it, she asks me and i do it. Which then leads to cleaning her room. The girl i work with asked me to go clean a house with her, i was very tired after taking benedryl from breaking out in hives but of course, i said yes. How do i just say no? i feel like i can't do it..i want to help, but just not so much. I don't want people to be able to take advantage of me.