
I am thin can i became an MTV ROADIE? jai sri krishna,jai veer hanumaan?

by  |  earlier

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roadies audition are starting and i am working very hard these says i wake up at 4 o clocl and do push ups and running

i had great self confidence inside me

can i became an mtv roadie

god bless you,did they select the thin boys also




  1. Does anyone care?

  2. You can become anything you want provided you work hard for it.

  3. whutsa whatsa fucka chu talka bout

    Who's god again?

  4. if u hv confidenc thn jst go for it...they hv nthin to do wid ur physique...b confidnt..n try hard to get into it...

  5. Dint u see varun??

    I think it wont matter as long as u have the right attitude n enthusiasm which i think is there in u ... and offcourse intelligence.

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