
I am thinking about adoption is there any advice to give me or where to start.?

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We are wanting to adopt a child in the US and are located in NC I don't know where to begin or where to go?




  1. In order to adopt a child anywhere you will need a homestudy done.  You can contact a social worker, adoption agency or catholic social services for a start.  They will guide you through the process.  Best of luck to you.

  2. Talk to others who have adopted, or if you don't know anyone personally, look for a local adoption agency.  Most agencies will offer an informative session that will explain the types of adoption available and what is needed to begin the process.  Typically these are no obligation sessions also.  

    We used Adoptions From the Heart.  I highly recommend them.

    You could also contact your local foster care agency if you are interested in foster/adopt programs.

    Good luck to you.

  3. look on the net and ask around 4 your local.

  4. North Carolina is a very good state for adoption domestically.  Start by contacting several agencies in your area. Attend there seminars, and decide which one you would like to continue to explore this great option with further. The agencies will walk you through every step of the way. They will provide social workers for you, information seminars, support from the agency workers, etc.  Adoption is a very emotionally trying process.  Be prepared to give up your control, you must have a ton of patience.  I would suggest that you also go by a book store or library and start reading about adoption. There is so much that you are going to learn.

  5. Call DHHS. I have probvided two ilinks below that will take you to their web site and lists all the requirements and also lists the current waiting children in NC.

    Good luck!

  6. check with your local department of economic security (des) ... or the food stamp/welfare office, they usually have foster care children and orientations to go to find services.

    If you are looking for a baby you may need to inquire about private adoptions and they would be conducted through agencies.

  7. You can start by raising funds for your adoption, if you need to.  I could look up a local agency, and meet with them first.

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