
I am thinking about ending my life soon....?

by  |  earlier

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No matter what I am nice and intelligent, confident at public, but I crash at home and get aggressive and have a bad attitude. My horrible dentist owes me money back, as he could not get me my braces treatment. My parents do not appreciate a d**n thing I do. I am sick of it all and tried drowning myself and other ways, but they do not work. I am sick of being this way. Girls have no respect for me and I have a lot of friends, but I never let them know I feel like ****

I am angry right now. These are my pics, yeah I deserve to die. I have everything against me, I am only 5'10, I am black which is a very disappointing race to be in this society no offense, but it is. I have nothing anymore I want to give everyone a favor and live else where in some mystical place.

Yeah it may not look bad to anyone, but I use to be a great person and still am, I hide these true feelings of anger, bitterness, aggression, and rage. I really feel upset. I don't see the purpose of me living. So what I do great in school and have AP classes that I did and do well in, so what if I am nice and compliment others making them feel good. What have I gained, NOTHING!




  1. You can kill yourself, sure.

    But what are you doing by ending your life?

    You are just showing weakness.

    You are letting all of these people who have done something wrong to you, win.

    You are letting them have power over you, and you are letting them dictate what you do with your life.

    Just stop. Live for yourself. Run away if you have to. Build up a new life. But don't end the one that you are blessed to have.

    I understand your anger towards your race. I get it...I'm sure stereotypes can be frustrating. But whether you are black or white or asian or are your own person. Are you going to let the fact that you're black drive you to suicide? That's ridiculous. If you have a problem with how people see your culture, change their point of view. Be better than that. If you feel like your culture is a disappointment, then do something great with your life and make your culture something to be proud of. You are capable of great things. Now, I know you don't want to kill yourself. You want help. If you really wanted to die, you'd be out doing it...not posting about it on Yahoo Answers. So, now that we have THAT out of the way, let's figure out how you can turn your life around...

    Your parents don't appreciate you? Stop doing things for them, then.

    If they don't give you credit, stop trying to make them happy and focus on making yourself happy.

    Girls have no respect? It's probably because you aren't respecting yourself...and trust me, by comtemplating suicide, you are MAJORLY showing yourself disrespect. You are saying "I am worthless, I have no reason to live." Trust me, girls can sense how much self-worth you have. Appreciate yourself, and find a girl who will love you for who you are. You are a really attractive guy, trust me. You should have no problem, physically. But mentally, you seem to have a lot of issues and you need to work them out before you can have a relationship or friendship with ANYONE.

    If your dentist owes you money, go file a complaint and get your cash. It's not a hard thing to do.

    If you think you're such a great person, then you wouldn't have all of this agression and rage. You probably have severe insecurities. Work on them. See a therapist, immediately. Suicide is no joke. If you feel you have gained nothing in life, don't kill yourself...CHANGE yourself. Fix your life, you're a very young guy and you have so much time to do something more with yourself.

    Don't change your life tomorrow, or next week...start NOW. Today is the day you start again, you are officially reborn. Forget all of your regrets, mistakes, are a clean, pure person now. You have the ability to start new and fresh. This freedom should make you feel great. Go out there, take a breath of fresh air and start over. You can ALWAYS start over. Don't let people control you, you should control your own life.

    Hope I helped.

  2. Yeah, I am similar to you, but I do not intend on EVER taking my own life, as I think it to be murder/deadly sin. I am nice and intelligent, but at home, I am extremely irritable...

    Overall, I don't think it is really worth it for you to take your life. Go to a psychologist and they will help you, trust me. I am going to one starting sometime in december or january. About your height, 5'10'' is NOT short!! I know many men who are 5'2'' and 5'4''. Anyway, Fuc|< whoever has a problem with your height; they don't matter. And if you have a prob with it, then try growth hormone shots or pills (ask your doctor) if you are 21 and under (or are still growing).

  3. firstly, don't kill yourself. You are a handsome young man (I'm not homosexual or anything so don't feel uncomfortable) and with the reasoning you've communicated through your writing, you are definitely an improvement to the black community. I feel the way you do all the time, and when I do I detach myself from others and try to better my worldly situation (I'm not a hippie either). Think about who you are, and where you want to be. Work towards your goals and don't think about ungrateful others. When you are ahead in life you will be the one getting the compliments.

  4. don't do that

  5. Are you really serious about this? If so, rethink the idea. My father and best friend  just died and I have thought about the same thing, but really there is so much to live for. Your parents would be really upset no matter what you say, they love you. You are a very handsome boy and sound quite intelligent. Just think about what you want to do in life and how to get there. Make it through today, whatever is going on always gets better the next day. And if you are in high school, dont worry about all of this highschool nonsense. It is soooo much better once you get out. There are no cliques in my college and life is not so shallow. Seeing a counselor is always helpful to get out your anger and depression as well. You shoould find one that is cheap or let your parents know that you need it. Good luck!

  6. I think there are a lot of people in the world who think about suicide. I know I did. I am old now (almost 29) but I remember so vividly how terrible life was. Naturally, I had my list of things that were terrible, and reasons why everyone would be better off without me. The truth is that you never know what you will miss if you jump ship now.

    You are a good looking kid - if life is really that bad - take off for a bit. It's better then ending things. I joked around (not really joked, I was in a really terrible mood and crying at the time) with a friend of mine in high school. Him and I were really close and had been for years. We both talked about suicide and how much easier that would make our lives. He shot himself in the face 3 days later. That was the most horrible memory I have with him - sitting under that tree talking about that. You have so much in your future. School, cool jobs, a wife, kids - I wish I would have said that to Chase (my friend). but I didn't. You'll never know what you'll loose by ending it now.  

  7. You don't look like you deserve to die man... DO NOT GIVE UP!

    I do not know how old you are, but if your still a teen, you still have alot to do (and by that I mean do alot of things like activities, music, people, etc.) Keep on living, I really don't want you to die.

  8. please dont kill yourself you WILL get through it.

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