
I am thinking about getting a gas powered scooter. Does anyone own one and what do you think? Is it road safe?

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I am thinking about getting a gas powered scooter. Does anyone own one and what do you think? Is it road safe?




  1. "New To Scooters" thread.

    Impaired, distracted, and reckless driver potential is greater than ever . . always wear proper safety gear.

  2. many people have them, and yes they are as safe as the operator....

    wear all your gear, and have fun...

  3. There is a scooter called a "Stella". It is made in India and is a copy of a Vespa. I've heard they have been made for about 30 years now and the company in India bought the machinery from Vespa around 1971 so they are just like  a Vespa. They have 49cc 2 stroke engines and look really good. They cost about 1/3 of a Vespa. The guy I know that has one says they are good around town but it scares him on Highway since it strains to do 65 and feels like he is floating. It has lots of storage compartments.

    I think the reason they put 49cc engines in them is because anything under 50 cc are not considered motor cycles.

  4. I've got a yamaha xf50 "c cubed" and I love riding it in the city. It's safe enough but you do have to plan your route a bit. If the speed limit is over 60kilometers per hour you're not going to be moving fast enough. For the most part I stick to the streets where the limit is 50 or less.

    Keeping in mind.. I am a 200lb dude. The scooter will move a little quicker with a smaller butt in the seat.

    If you get something a little bigger like a Yamaha vino125 then you won't have to worry about keeping up although you still won't be taking it on the highway.

  5. Get a vespa and yes they are fun and safe, you just have to keep your eyes open for all of the crazy drivers out there.

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