
I am thinking about getting a snake .. what type should i get ?

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it will be my 2nd reptile ..

what are good for beggeners ?

will they bite me ?

will it hurt much ? , lol

can u explain their behaviors ?




  1. of course any beginner snake would also be a good second snake.  kingsnakes, corn snakes, and milk snakes all make good pets.  they  can tolerate handling and don’t need a whole lot of humidity.  And they are usually docile snakes.

    since this is your second snake i would add ball pythons and blood pythons to the list as well as amazon tree boas (some would disagree with the atb's though)

    any snake can bite.  a bite from any of the snakes i have listed wont hurt when the snake is a baby.  a bite from an adult ball python will sting a little bit at best, ball pythons tend to bite and release IF they do bite.  adult blood pythons can pack a bit of a punch when they bite it will hurt a little bit won't bleed much but will more than likely bruise.  amazon tree boas don't hurt much when they bite but they tend to be a bit more on the nippy side even with a lot of handling.  we had 4 one of which would try to bite me every time i got near it but my husband could handle it fine with no bites.  another would usually be fine unless you grabbed him wrong.  the two females never bit except for one time i grabbed one of the females after she had eaten and she bit me. it wasn't like her to bite so i looked closley where i had grabbed her which happened to be her tummy and it turned out that she was gravid.  needless to say when i took the other female out of her feeding tub i was very careful and noticed she was gravid as well.

    the behavior of the snakes depends on each individual snake they are a like other animals they all have different "personalities".  we did have 24 snakes but unfortunately we had to rehome 19 of them when we moved cross country.  at the moment we have 5 snakes we have 2 ball pythons 2 kingsnakes and 1 green tree python.  they all have different personalities.  one of the ball pythons thinks its arboreal and will climb on a lip that is inside the vivarium but the lip is too small for him so he eventually crashes down...and then it starts all over again.  the other ball python is really sweet and she enjoys being out and chillin on my computer desk.  one of our kingsnakes knows that he is really a tree snake and he is always climbing to the top of the plant in his vivarium.  alos if he thinks its time for him to eat and we havent fed him he will start biting fingers and trying to eat them.  our other kingsnake just wants attention.  she will come out from under her substrate when she is ready for attention and either stare out her vivarium or she will stretch her body up toward the top of the vivarium and sit there for long periods of time waiting for the top to open up...when the top finally does open up she will shoot out of the vivarium and climb up onto me.  our green tree python is very alert and is pretty sure that every time we open her vivarium that we are going to feed her...she will become very alert and look out her vivarium when we open the door.  if she sees that we have the squirt bottle (its a yard sprayer so we have to pump it to mist the cage) she will tuck her head under her body so that the water wont spray on her face.

    Good luck!

  2. A corn snake. I've only been bit by mine once, but I was holding a fuzzy by the tail, which is a short tail. And it didn't hurt at all. The biggest snake I've ever been tagged by was a 3 1/2 foot black racer, and it didn't hurt at all, it kind of tickles. Any other questions just ask me. I wouldn't get a ball python. They have many difficulties shedding and they are very picky eaters.

  3. A ball python is a good first snake.They can bite usually don't unless startled when shading or not handled alot.

  4. I think that you should get a Ball Python or a Corn Snake. The Ball Python is more likely to bite because it head shy. If they do bite the Ball Python will hurt worse then the Corn Snake because they are bigger.

    It might hurt a bit :)  lol

    The Corn Snake is a great beginner snake and should be handled every day so that it gets used to you handling it. They are one of the most docile snakes out there. The grow to about 3-5 feet long.

    Ball Pythons are bigger and they arent so docile but they are still a good snake to keep as your first snake.  

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