
I am thinking about going on birth control but don't know what form to use any suggestions?

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My main concern is weight gain. I can handle most other side effects.




  1. You can discover positive and negative sides of contraceptives (including birth control pills) in reference website

  2. The only form of birth control that it is GARUANTEED that you would not gain weight using or suffer any of the negative side effects of hormonal birth control on is the copper IUD, I suppose condoms, diaphragms, sponges and spermicides also have no hormones, but they aren't as reliable. Other side effects of hormonal BC are acne, weight gain, moodiness, unwanted facial hair, blood clot, heart attack, stroke and lower s*x drive, but alot of people only suffer most of the minor ones. the major ones I listed are rare. The hormonal methode I liked the best was the Depo Provera shot. No pills to remember and you only have to worry about it every twelve weeks. It's hormonal though, obviously, so here are the negative side affects I suffered as a result of it's use: moodiness, spotting for about four months, and and low s*x drive. I DID NOT gain any weight, though some women claim that hormonal BC can make them gain up to 30 pounds in as little as six weeks. My doctor told me that most women use the shot as an excuse to gain weight and that the most weight you SHOULD gain on it would be only about five pounds over a one year period. Though, the shot is something a lot of people hate, mainly because of the period irregularities it causes. Once off the shot, it may take up to a year for fertility to return and for menstral cycles to be back on target again. Also using it for over two years can cause bone health issues. Hope this helped.

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