MY CHINCHILLA: About a yeah and a half old, no older than two years old. Male. Tame with me, but does not like family members (mom, dad, & lil bro), but loves my friends and Gramma. Very playful and curious. He is neutered.
1>I spend a little time with my chin every night before bed and take him out of his cage to play every few days for up to forty minutes. Though I can't help but feel maybe I do not spend enough time with him. Should I seriously look into getting him a cage mate?
2>I don't plan on breeding the pair and would prefer the new chin to be spayed//neutered as well, but would it be best to bring another young male or female into the picture?
3>About how old should the new chin be (please include ages for both male & female)?
4>What are the chances of success and failure? While I would love to have another chin living with Titus (my chinchilla), I don't think I have the space for two permanent cages.
5>How big does the new chin's cage have to be?