
I am thinking about studing in France, is this a good thing?

by  |  earlier

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I am 16, and in my last year of school, I am starting University in September, and in my third year, I must study abroad for one year either in Germany or France, I speak German almost fluently, and I speak french quite well, but not as well as German, I want to teach english in either Germany or France. I cant decide whether to study in Germany or France, I am thinking France, becuause even though, I want to teach English, in Germany most likely, I think that I will be fluent completely after 4 years, so I think france would be wise to improve and become fluent in the great language.

Could you pleae answer me in French if you are French or Canadian, becuause it is a principal, every time I put a question in French, the Yahoo trolls delete them.




  1. My own opinion is that France is a lot more fun than Germany so that would be my choice. and as you already speak German fluently it would certainly be a good ideal to bring your French up to the same level.

    NB: It is a violation of the community guidelines to ask question in a language other than English in an English language section.

    It is a rule which you agreed to abide by when you chose to make use of this service. There is nothing trollish about enforcing the rules. When you violate a rule then you are in the wrong.

  2. Go to Italy -- France and Germany is far too boring.  It will be more fun if you hear the words of love and don't kknow what is being said...

  3. Quand J'etais en universite, j'etudie a paris et a Tours. J'etais une etudiante a Bowling Green State University en Ohio. C'etait le meme prix d'etudier a BGSU (plus le prix de la voyage par avion.) J'ai habite avec une famille chouette a Tours, actuellement, a St.-Cyr-sur Loire. A Paris, J'ai habite a La Maison des lyceennes au 5eme arrondissement (quartier Latin). Vous devez essayer qu'elqu chose comme ca!

  4. My nephew studied there and he liked it. He didn't speak much French but he still managed to get his degree. I don't think you'd have any problems there since you you already speak the language. Check out the following website for more information.

    There are other sites to browse too.

  5. I wish I could speak either one but you might want to take German if your so good at it. I might take up a new speech up next grading period. Want to be friends

  6. Go to France its the best way to improve your French and its a great experience.

  7. studing? at 16 years old?

    what are you, a race horse? LOLZ!

  8. Heya, i think i'm doing a similar course to you.  I'm currently in my 3rd year too and studying in France on my ERASMUS year at the moment.  I doing a B.Comm with french.

    I have to say that i'm really enjoying it out here.  My friends in Clermont-Ferrand all got jobs teaching english in primary and secondary schools if you would be interested in that.

    I'm studying in a business school out here and you get a mix of students.  It has really been an amazing experience.  I personaly would recommend france.... French is a language you can only perfect by being immersed in it!! There are so many idioms and expressions that you are not taught in school, which you only learn from being in the country.

    As you mentioned, your german is almost fluent so you may as well improve votre niveau de francais!!, j'habite et j'etudie a toulouse maintenant et c'est tres genial!!  Il y a plein des etudiants et beaucoup de choses  a faire ici.

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