
I am thinking about taking a spanish class but I have a dilema. It will be with home schoolers...?

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Do you think it will be weird?




  1. It should be ok. The important thing is that you will be learning Spanish.  

  2. No weirder than the same class with public schoolers. If anything, I imagine it'll be better, but here are a few things I feel I should warn you about before you go... just so you know what to expect.

    You'll find that there will likely be no clothing trend, but rather that everyone is dressed individually, the way they themselves feel comfortable regardless of whether or not the clothes are "in".

    You'll find that not all the kids hanging out together are the same age. Thirteen year olds will likely fit in perfectly with sixteen or seventeen year olds. Fifteen year olds might have friends who are twelve. Age doesn't matter as much to homeschoolers as it matters to public schoolers. There is no segregation.

    You might find that the kids are more comfortable around adults than you may be. You might find that they can hang out with other kids and then easily turn around and hold a mature conversation with someone else's parent or with the teacher. You might find that they're a lot more comfortable with asking questions when they don't understand something or getting help from one another. There's no competition. They've all got the same goal.

    You might find that they use REAL english, and not made up, nonsensical slang words.

    You'll probably find that these kids are more creative than the average kid their age. You might find that they're not afraid to show their creativity. Standing out is a good thing. Fitting in is for losers. :>

    You might find that these kids only give no homework excuses when there is in fact a really good reason for not having homework. You'll find that most of them are there because they want to be, not because they have to be, and therefore they're a lot more interested in actually learning the material.

    You'll find that despite having an active social life among friends, a lot of these kids have close family ties as well and they don't let themselves forget about mom and dad just because so and so wants to go to the mall.

    You might find yourself feeling a bit left out some times. A lot of these kids are likely involved in many other classes and activities in the community, some even that take place while you're in regular school. A lot of them likely go on field trips together, work on projects together, have homeschool dances, prom, parties, are involved in clubs, sports, organizations, or just generally see each other more than just durring this one class, more than they likely see you. They might talk about things that you don't understand, but don't worry. They will most likely be happy to include you, even invite you along if they have plans, provided you're just a little friendly and outgoing.

    Some of them might have strong religious beliefs. Others might not. Some might be remarkably intelligent. Some might just be average. Some may be of a different culture. Some may be just like you. Some may be shy. Some may be very outgoing. Some may have lots of siblings. Some may not. The fact of the matter is that homeschoolers, despite some positive differences, are for the most part just regular kids. Unless kids in general make you feel weird, or unless spanish in general is weird to you, you shouldn't find anything too out of the ordinary. Who knows. you might even find yourself wanting to homeschool.

  3. Why would it be weird?

    No, I do not think it would be weird.  Even at our HS'ing co-op we had one student's grandmother taking the class with her.  That wasn't weird at all.

    If you want to learn Spanish, and you have this opportunity, why not take it?

  4. You might find it a bit different from classes at school because the other kids are likely to be motivated, paying attention to the teacher and not messing about.

  5. Kids are kids wherever you go.

    My daughter, who is homeschooled, takes a lot of "after-school" classes and camps with kids who go to school.  They have no idea she is homeschooled unless she volunteers the information.

    Enjoy the class!

    All the best.

  6. It'll probably be a bit oddball because noone there lives in the real world. But, if you just focused on learning Spanish, then it'll probably be a good environment.

  7. no, they are usually wild children maybe you will hook up with a hot guy

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