
I am thinking of a new yugioh deck, will someone help?

by  |  earlier

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i am thinking of a dark/zombie deck or a fire deck or a water deck, i haven't really go the money for expensive cards, i am a collector but i will buy a card with the value of around £30-£40.




  1. Zombies will be beyond competitive with the new card Mezuki.

    It is 1700 Atk and you can remove it from play in your graveyard to special summon a zombie in your graveyard. Now that is broken! Here is the decklist:

    Monsters (19)

    3 Mezuki

    3 Pyramid Turtle

    3 Goblin Zombie

    3 Zombie Master

    2 Il Blud

    2 Despair From the Dark

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Card Trooper

    1 Sangan

    Spells (12)

    3 Card of Safe Return

    3 Book of Life

    2 Lightning Vortex

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Creature Swap

    Traps (10)

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Crush Card Virus

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    3 Dust Tornado

    3 Solemn Judgement

    Side Deck (15)

    3 Bottomless Trap Hole

    3 Kinetic Soldier

    2 DD Crow

    2 Prime Material Dragon

    2 Jinzo

    2 Burial From the Different Dimension

    1 Mind Crush

    This deck is extreamly fast and will end the duel in a few turns.


  2. try this deck. Dark Zombie priced at about 20 quid tops


    King of the skull servents x3

    Lady in Wight x3

    Skull Servent x3

    Zombie Master x3

    Spirit Reaper x1

    Pryamid Turtle x3

    Ryu Kokki x3


    Card of Safe Return x3

    Opti-Camouflage Armor x3

    Inferno Reckless Summon x3

    Book of Life x3

    Monster Reborn x1


    Torrential Tribute x1

    Thats the basic outline for the deck. Some cards that are missing but no1 has reli tried this deck much to my dissapointment. With lady been released it becomes a lot more playable. Opti equiped with king for massive direct atk. A lot of special summoning goin on so inferno to get out your skull serevents. card of safe return for massive card adv. Interesting deck if only because its cheap and will still work well. Hope this has given you some thoughts and sorry not to have given you a complete deck list.

  3. try a fire water deck

    there are lots of good cards, and i have seen them work well before, there is a card called frost and flame dragon look it up, its amazin

    this deck does work

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