
I am thinking of adopting a child here in the Philippines. But how?

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I am financially stable, single and willing to adopt a child...i dont know how. can anyone help me?




  1. do your research! you could also post an add on the internet, local paper, etc. about your intentions...check with local agencies and get as much background information as possible to make sure that it is legit. once you find one you like hire an attorney immediately to help handle any legal aspects...good luck and I think you are making a wonderful choice!

  2. Hi Fiffay,

    Here is the link for information on adoption in the Philippines:

    You will find all the requirements and the procedures there including phone numbers and email addresses to get you started.

    It says "Any adoption applicant interested in adopting a Filipino child/ren (either relative or non-relative) may contact the nearest Central Authority on Intercountry Adoption of their country (if Ratifier or State Party to The Hague Convention) or any ICAB accredited Foreign Adoption Agency who is responsible in these Prospective Adoptive Parents preparation and conduct of their Home Study Report." Your home study will determine if your home is suitable for a child, and if so, which child you can best meet the needs of.

    You should note that it says they favor married couples over singles; however, it says singles can still be considered for special needs adoptions (older children, sibling groups, etc.) Remember, older children are just as deserving of good homes as babies.

    Good luck. Hope this helps.

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  3. though an agency, but  get alot alot alot of information about the agency first, because i know a few people that got cheated into giving huge sums of money and it being a huge scam, they seem really legit too and then they turn out fake so do some studying.

    by the way i think thats really amazing and i hope  the best for you.

  4. You state "here in the Philippines".  Are you in that country?  If so, you may want to use the Philippine section of Y!A (see link at bottom of page).  There may be someone there who might have more info for you on how to adopt "in country".  

    If you are outside of the Philippines, I would contact a local reputable adoption agency that specializes in international adoptions.  They should be able to answer your questions or refer you to an agency that deals with adoptions in the Philippines.

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