
I am thinking of adopting a kitten?

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How much would you say per month/per year you spend on your cat? Has any one used the claw caps?

What about litter? What is best? I plan on cleaning the litter everyday and changing it once a week? Is that suitable? What kind do you like?




  1. I spend about $20 per month on high quality cat food, like Iams or Science Diet. It has less fillers in it, so your cat doesn't have to eat as much to get full. I would recommend using soft paws if you cannot train your cat to not claw. I trained my cat by getting her a place to scratch (cat tower) and put double sided tape on edges of furniture (cats don't like that). Also, if she scratched a person, I used a spray bottle of water to punish her.

    I am currently training my cat how to use the toilet, which will save you time, money and hassle with litter and a litter box. Try these sites to learn how to toilet train your cat.

    Kittens learn fastest, but older cats can learn too, with patience. Good Luck!

  2. You should research it on other sites. From my experience, adopting a kitten costs around $100. Getting starting supplies will cost around 70-150 dollars. Shots cost a couple hundred and if it gets sick it costs a couple hundred to get medicine.

    I would do a lot of research before adopting one.

  3. instead of adopting a kitten, why not an older cat that so badly needs a home? if a kitten is what you want that is fine but with older cats you know what you are getting and they are just great! i use scoopable litter and i find that that is the best, makes cleaning daily really easy! i spend about $10 a month on food, i get science diet a really big bag and that lasts me maybe a little longer than a month for 4 cats. a vet visit yearly can range for $40 to $60 for all vaccinations and checkups. keep in mind emergency's may come up so plan for that as well. i have a special savings just for my pets where i put $20 a week in just in case! Good Luck! Make sure you  adopt from a shelter so one more kitty won't have to get put down for the over population.

    Check out petfinder to find a whole bunch of shelters near you!

  4. I get litter that is hard clumping... any brand.

    You have to get one your cat LIKES though or it won't use it.

    (clean at least once a day)

    I buy can food (because I have a 19 yr old) and that costs around $23. a month.

    Dry food too. (thats good for urinary tract health)

    I do't use claw caps... provide a scratching post. and train them!

    HAVE YOUR CAT SPAYED/ NEUTERED around 6 - 9 months.  Younger the better so no spraying starts.

  5. i have a cat and i LOVE her. she is gray and white.  whatever you do DO NOT DECLAW HER.  i just cut my cats nails once a week and its fine. and i suggest haveing an indoor cat.  they are always more agressive when they go outside. you do not need any fancy litter box or anything.  just cheap litter and a cheap plastic box.  its better for you and the cat. and i love the name pancakes for a cat fyi. :) good luck!  

  6. You might spendaround 100 bucks in 2-3 months for the cat..

    Dont use claw caps..they are annoying and the cat wont hurt you! waste of money!

    Litter is best to be cleaned every week or 1 time in 2 weeks!

    Arm & Hammer for the litter(sand)

    Change water everyday..

    Make sure it is fresh..

  7. I spend around $1,000 a year on everything - food, treats, litter, toys, health care, etc. Personally I like using "World's Best" corn litter mixed with a little clay litter since it doesn't clump as well as I'd like. Some cats really don't like it, so you'll have to take his personal preferences into account and find something that both of you like. Cleaning every day and changing once a week is perfect! Those little caps are more annoying than anything else. As a kitten it's very easy to train them to sit still while you trim their nails.

  8. The cost would be around $20 per month, and that includes food and litter, but not getting there shots. And I have seen the claw caps, but I do not think they are a good idea. If you plan on ever having your kitten outside, it needs a way to defend itself. And litter - I use cats pride, which is pretty cheap. And by the way, litter does not need to be cleaned once a day. Maybe every other day.  

  9. its about, $20 a month for food, toys, litter, and stuff. but if i were u change the litter every 3 weeks so it doesnt go by so fast, but still clean the p**p out every day or every 2 days, i just got a kitten 5 days ago and the litter we use for him is fresh sented... it smells fresh up to 3 weeks without changin the litter.  

  10. I spend about $25.00 a month, I have four cats. I get litter (scoop away) and cat food (Iams) in bulk, so it's cheaper. I have tried soft paws, they work great. My black cat looks stunning in the red, they last about 3 months. I scoop my pan daily, empty it completely every other week. I really think scoop way smells the best, I've tried everything. Tidy cats "multi cat" would be second best. =^..^=

  11. Well I have three cats so it is more costly, about $70 a month is what I spend. I use dry food for them and give them a little wet food once a week. As a treat. :)

    The claw caps are a definite good thing. I wish I got them sooner, one of my cats has scratched my leather couch. I would not declaw but that's my personal opinion.

    For litter any hard clumping type is ok. Don't get's too messy and you go through it faster. I do like Feline Pine also, not the pellets but the loose shavings. It's flushable too which is convenient.

    I change mine twice a day but that's because I have three cats..I also have more than one box for them.

    For one cat I would change it everyday or every other day because some cats will stop using the box if it's dirty and this will lead to peeing/pooping in other areas of the house.

    If you do adopt please adopt from a shelter that puts the pets to sleep, this way you would be saving a little kitty. Their fees also include the neutering/spaying. :)

  12. that depend on how many cats

  13. I dont know the exact cost, but a cat is generally cheaper than a dog. Cleaning the litter daily does not mean you have to empty the whole thing out. You could get a pooper scooper for daily cleaning.

  14. i would say definitely do it. idk how much i spend on food but it isnt much (you dont have to get a fancy kind or a different flavor for every day. i just get 2 bags of cat food and mix them in a container) youll love having it around and it will quickly have you wrapped around its...paw lol

    as far as litter goes, i use this thing called the Breeze

    its a lot easier to clean than normal litter-i like it a lot better and the cat doesnt seem to mind it.

    other than that just have fun :) cats are the best

  15. Well on my cat

    i bought it a bunch of toys and besides food it doesn't cost me much a month...

    I try to use litters that are not too dusty. And i clean my cats litter box about 1 every 4 days or when ever it looks like it needs cleaned...

  16. Well, I have two cats, but I spend about like 50 dollars on my cat per month for food and toys and treats and all that stuff. More than a lot of people do.

    I have never used them on my cats, but I believe they can fall off quite easily and they aren't suitable for all cats considering they have different size nails and you cat may get annoyed by them.

    I use fresh step, and out of all I've previously used, it has worked the best.

    Good luck and I hope you end up adopting a kitten. Every animal deserves a good home. :)

  17. I just got a cat myself. I don't know the price of the food, but if you have a reasonable job it's not something to worry about. Claws are not to be capped, but to be cut. I don't know about changing the litter, but it should indeed be cleaned daily.

  18. I'm 13 and my family has had cats my whole life  we always get tidy cats  for the litter and if you get them when they are little like a couple months old you shouldn't have to spend that much money with one cat is pretty cheap all  you have to do is get a big bag of litter and cat food and that should last you for a while like a couple month but if you don't get them litter trained it easy you just show them the litter a lot and if they don't use it just tell them no if you have anymore Q just ask me i know a lot we have had way to many cats lol

  19. Get the little muppet a scratching post don't use softpaws and DO NOT DE-CLAW. You need to change the litter more often than once a week. Cats are clean creatures and kitty will find other more desirable places to "go" if the litterbox isn't immaculate.  

  20. I've had cats for a good long time and they are very easy to keep ... the cost of food depends on what you are prepared to pay - and consider that they must have a balanced nutritional diet suitable for cats.... you might find she will be happy eating the cheap end of the range ... or you may find she will only consider salmon and steak!  Generally they are easy to please.

    Litter, I find is a combination of fullers earth and dried (pellets) sawdust,,, the fullers earth helps to fom lumps when they pee especially and the sawdust pellets helps to eliminate smells ....

    A cat's litter should be cleaned at least once a day with all the lumpy bits removed - although you may find you do it more - especially when they poo! - even they can't stand the smell!  

    However you couldn't ask for better self-sufficient, loving, funny and caring company - dogs are nice too but they need 10 times more looking after!...

    When you decide you will adopt a kitten, then make sure you see the environment it comes from, ask questions about whether it is litter trained, had it's jabs, any accidents, how it gets on with humans in the house, how it gets on with it's litter mates .... if you look at some of the other cat questions on answers you will see how upsetting it is to have an antisocial, sometimes aggressive animal - do the checks first for a long and happy life together .....

    Wish you and your soon to be new kitty well!


  21. Basically, cats only cost alot when you first get them

    then the only things you need to worry about are: food and litter

    so depending on what brand you buy, i spend no more than $50 a month.

    And kind of litter is suitable, they are pretty much all the same unless you want them scented.

    And yes, cleaing it everyday is fine, you might only need to clean it every other day..

    and changing it every week is suitable as well.

    well i hope i helped :)

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