
I am thinking of building just a basic room in my back garden?

by  |  earlier

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what is the smallest dimensions you can get away with without having to apply for planning permission? thanks btw it will just have one door and electricity - no plumbing is needed or anything like that - made out of brick




  1. It all depends on your local Council.

  2. In England and Wales you can fill half your garden area with outbuildings without the need for planning permission subject to certain restrictions. In outline they are:

    Must be more than 5 metres away from the nearest part of the house or they are classed as extensions.

    They must not be nearer to a highway than the house, i.e. not in the front garden or in the side garden if you are on a corner plot.

    No higher than 4 metres with a ridged roof or 3 metres in any other case.

    They must be used for a purpose "ancilliary" to the main house, i.e. for domestic purposes.

    You must check whether these rights have been previously removed by the council (rare but can happen) and that there are no restrictive covenants on your deeds.

    If you rent the property you must get the consent of the landlord.

    Hope that helps.  

  3. go to a shed supplier and get the biggest size , put the electricity in duct and for gods sake get a spark as you need a special fused box etc.  sort the base out with a good spec for heat insulation and a layer of damp proof . consider 50 / 50 brick / timber . just say some fella said on yahoo .lol it was o.k. lol !

  4. Call your local building department for rules and regulations because each city/town's rules can vary.  In my city, the size matters and also if there is no foundation on the building (could be removed easily).  Another factor to consider is your boundary line and the location of the new building. If you have electricity installed, legally, you would have to hire a licensed electrician and he/she would obtain a permit. Hope this helps.

  5. in my city it is 8 by 10.

  6. make it out of wood for less hassle. You could always "wallpaper" it with bricks on the inside!

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