
I am thinking of buying LEGAL weed online.but is it any good? worth it??? really legal?wheres the best website

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I am thinking of buying LEGAL weed online.but is it any good? worth it??? really legal?wheres the best website




  1. I have never heard of your ability to buy LEGAL weed online.  Marijuana is marijuana, and unless your state laws allow you to smoke it, it is illegal, no matter what the online merchant might say.  There are legal herbs that you can buy online and smoke without prosecution, but they are not marijuana.  Most of the time they have different effects that are not considered to be a drug effect.  Mugwart for instance, is smoked to clear your lungs of infection.  Salvia divinorum, the most powerful herbal drug that is not controlled by the government, is said to cause out of body experiences and lucid dreaming.  However, "legal" bud is illegal no matter where you buy it online.

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