
I am thinking of buying an old boat with a cabin and an engine, Calling it Fred and going round the coast of?

by  |  earlier

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England till I get browned of. What do you think? (I think I'll go anyway).




  1. just think about the people, r.n.l.i. who have to rescue you if your stupid escapade goes **** up. they have to put their lives on the line because you have a "think" !!!!!

    there are loads of things that can go wrong for an inexperienced boater and each one is life threatening. so think about others before you indulge in fantasies

  2. If you are going to sea in any boat i would seek advice if i was you British tides and winds are killers to the untrained sailor , and a boat must be up to the task set,  A leaky old tub will not do it . our shores are not the Caribbean and its dangerous enough there . The coast guard will love you as they do all the weekend sailors , A sobering note they now charge the cost of rescue to irresponsible adults

  3. what flowers do you like q .

  4. Ask  RNLI.ORG.UK/SEASAFTEY for their sea safety complete guide which comes with DVD and will give you all the A-Z safety advice if you follow the instructions/course through, it's free but they appreciate donations & would sooner advise you than rescue you. Good luck but do as I ask because the sea can be an absolute scary killer even near the coast.

  5. Sounds like a great idea - although you have to sail round Wales and Scotland too or it might get a bit awkward. Have fun!

  6. Forge on i say!!

  7. not so fast you cant just by a boat and take of first of all you need to be avast in ocean protocol then you need a radio and learn who to use it then you need to have a safety plan IE life jacket dinghy and flares then you need to check if your craft is seaworthy

  8. Heck yes!

    DO it!

    Have fun!

  9. you inspired me today I thought I was the oonly ageing drop out here  , get it done , green with envy , good luck , god bless her and all who sail in  her . Is it easy to sail . many like you .

  10. do it  

    but  y fred   you a f*g

  11. Well, you do whatever floats your boat darling!!!

  12. u  love to try out new things i c. it seems to be a lot of fun.enjoy ur ride & do inform ur experience.

  13. sounds like a great thing to do - but make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for.

    have a few trial voyages before you sell up an go

    There is a lot of safety stuff to consider  . . . we don't wat to see you on the next episode of "Seaside rescue"

  14. Yeah go for it..

  15. Do it!!

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