
I am thinking of getting a Boston Terrier or a Beagle, how are they with cats?

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I have two cats just under a year in age... Is there anything special or important I should know about the breed?




  1. My Boston Terrier likes to play with my cats.  She thinks they are great fun.  She has been around cats since she was a puppy and does not give them any problems.

  2. Well, Terriers and Beagles are hunting dogs typically so they will have that instinct to hunt and catch small game, like your cats.

    I did have a Jack Russell Terrier at one time, but he was afraid of my cats! Haha. So I say, do some more research on the breeds.

  3. Omg, i love my Boston, i have had her since i was 11 and i love her. She is the best dog, very obedient. And we have 2 cats and she kinda just ignores them.

  4. I have an eight year old beagle and he loves cats!  My in-laws have two cats and whenever we take him over there he always wants to be near them.  Usually it just to sniff their butts, but he's still very gentle with them.  He has NEVER been mean to them.  One thing about beagle's is that they tend to be rather stubborn.  Shooter will be outside (fenced-in yard of course) and I'll yell for him to come in.  Well, he usually will just sit and stare at me.  Mention the word 'treat' and you see a brown and white streak come across the yard.  He's also busted out of the yard a few times but he always goes to the same spot (neighbors down the road keep cat food out...smorgasbord!) so he's easy to find.  Actually, he got out within the last week and did the smartest thing I think I've ever seen him do.  I was feeding my son lunch and heard Shooter scratching, which he does to come in or out, and I was pretty sure that I had let him outside but it sounded like it was coming from downstairs.  I thought maybe I had let him in and forgotten and that he had gotten shut in the laundry room.  On my way down to the laundry room, I heard him scratch the front door!  He wedged his nose in between the screen and front doors and was scratching to come in.  Anyhow, after my ramblings, he definitely is a really good dog!

  5. i have a boston terrier, and they are really really hyper. but shes not around any cats right now. i think shed be fine around cats. mine doesnt really mind other animals though

    i used to have a beagle, and he always always wanted to chase my two cats around. lol. but he had the cutest bark

  6. Terriers are notoriously naughty around cats.

    Beagle are hunting dogs.

    Both not the *best* choices, but introducing them very slowly will hopefully help.

  7. I wish I had a a boston terrier.

  8. Would be alot easier on you if you got a Beagle ... Terriers are normaly really hyper and will chase them. beagles are more calm.

  9. The biggest concern with Terriers is that they were bred to hunt small game. That is one of the reasons they were bred to be smaller. The size of the Terrier determines the size of game they will hunt. For instance and Yorkie will be most likely to go after mice due to their extremly small size, while a Jack Russell will be more likely to chase ferrets or cats. Still all Terriers are prone to chase cats. Beagles are more prone to chase flying game. They were built perfectly to fit into tight spots and get the fallen birds that larger Retrievers may not be able to reach.

    Most dogs can be socialized well with small animals such as cats but it is important to start from an early age. Never allow your new puppy to chase after, bark at, growl at, or become territorial over you in relation to other animals. Make sure all meetings are supervised. You may want to consider crate training whatever of these two dogs you choose early on. By keeping them in a kennel when you are away and possibly at night you will minimize the chance of them deciding to play chase. Many of these types of dogs with proper socialization don't need the crate but I feel it is better to be safe than sorry.

    If crate training is not an option for you consider a baby gate. This will allow you to choose a comfortable room that your kitties can escape to for peace and quiet. That way if the pup chases them when you are asleep or not home they have somewhere to keep safe and you rpup does not have to be crated.

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