
I am thinking of getting a Integra DTR 6.8 Receiver. Is this a good buy?

by Guest58303  |  earlier

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I can afford even twice as much but the salesman says that no need for it given my needs, especially since I have small room and small speakers. It would be used for home theater mostly.




  1. Hey Man,

    I am also considering the DTR 6.8 ... I have done a lot of home work on recievers lately...

    If I had a slightly higher budget I would go with the Marantz SR 7002. I think that I have seen them for as low as $1400 usd out the door.

    I have been told that the processor is slightly better and that the warranty is better. It is a little more powerful and has the reputation of the Marantz for being a very even keel reciever. Meaning that its preformance is just as good in Music as Cinema.

    I think that the Denon equivalent which is the 3808 is also a great piece but lacks the THX certification. Bummer!!

    I think that the THX Cert. is worthwhile as a standard of preformance!!

    Best of luck please let me know what you end up with and how you are enjoying it...            J

  2. Integra is a very good quality component. It is actually made by Onkyo. it is Onkyo's elite brand. Kinda like Toyota and Lexus. Many of Onkyo's older component had the Integra badge on them indicating it was higher end.

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