
I am thinking of getting a betta fish for work

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one issue is the temperature in my office tends to be anywhere from 69-80 degrees. I know I can probably find a light for the tank if it is chilly in the office, but if it gets too hot in there I don't want him get get baked. also I wouldn't be able to leave the light on at night for him if it gets chilly in there at night is this going to be a problem?

Should I just forget the whole idea?




  1. I have had a Betta in my house 4Yrs,he lives in a bowl on the counter no heater no filter.Do you think in the rice puddles where they live in the wild they have all the moderen stuff?It is just a money makeing thing.To have one Betta fish according to some people you have to spend a million dallors.(NOT)

                              Debbie O

  2. no dont for get it

    theres a good site also google some info get an auto heater umm 3 gallong bowl desk light should do buy him a little cave or something he can cawl in to

  3. bettas can go for a few days without eating (you can leave him over the weekdn), so make sure hes in a filtered tank, and im gonna say go no smaller than like 2 or 3 gallons here so that he will be able to survive for a while, (from the typical 1 gallon bowls), and try and get a heater if you can. not feedin them on the weekend is gonna be ok, just make sure he eats the day you leave, to guarantee his survival. bettas are real hardy, and until u get the heater (if u do/can), ur betta will be able to adjust to temperature changes in the office, my mom likes to keep out house extremely cold at night and i dont have a heater in my 1.5 gallon or 3 gallon betta tanks, and ive had one for almost 2 years now, and the other for upwards of a year. Its a great idea to get one for the office, just make sure his waters clean and well maintained. good luck with it...

  4. despite what otheres may say... bettas can adapt quite well to changing temperatures...  If he is going to be at your workplace during the weekend, i recommend you purchase a 1 1/2- 2 gallon tank and a small heater and lighted hood. Leave the heater on 24/7, and turn off if the room temp is above 77 degrees. Leaving the light on for long periods of time causes the water to evaporate, so only leave the light on during ''business" hours. Also, bettas are hardy enough to where they can go 2-3 days (like a weekend) with out food. If you take a vacation from work, have a small spare bowl to take him home in and have someone take care of him while you're away.

  5. get a tank that is at LEAST 5 gallons, like you should be getting anyway. get a filter and a light, put it on a timer. a 5 gallon tank should be big enough to find an aquarium heater for. not only will it keep the water warm, it will keep it at a stable temperature of 78 degrees. temperature fluctuations can stress and seriously harm your fish, sometimes even kill it. as for feeding on the weekends, you can buy an automatic feeder, or jsut leave him. he should be fine without food for two days. remember to feed him live food every now and then to keep him happy :) make sure you keep him out of direct sunlight. not only can this have a big impact on the temperature, it promotes algae growth.

    good luck :)

  6. You should get a heater for the tank which is left on all the time.

    Fish lights should be turned off overnight so that the fish can sleep anyway.

    I would think that he would be okay at 80 degrees since he can breathe the air and doesn't have to rely on oxygen disolved in the water.

    What about on weekends, would he have to spend two days in the dark?
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