
I am thinking of getting a whites tree frog but is that a good choice?

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Ok I am getting a whites tree frog this saturday and I need to know if this is a good choice for a beginner frog because this is my first frog EVER so I need to know more about it and about other good frogs




  1. YES YES YES  White's Tree frogs are wonderful beginner frogs and really, a great frog for any frog lover. I would suggest getting two Whites. It's always nice to have a companion... Be sure to buy quality crickets for your frog.  Always wash your hands well before and after handling your frog.   These frog are really very cool!  You'll enjoy them!

  2. First KUDDOS for researching the animal before you get it.

    White's tree frogs are adorable creatures, and relatively easy to care for, so they make good beginner pets.  They are more forgiving of habitat mistakes than many other species can be.

    If you are lucky enough to get a male - he will 'bark.'  Mine used to bark back at me every time I barked at him!  

    These cute arboreal creatures can live over 20 yr. with proper care and nutrition.  Do your homework, and research his needs thoroughly.  You can never know enough about the animal you own.

    Be sure to gut load his secects before they are offered to him.

    I'll post a couple links below to get you started on your quest.

    An informed owner is a happy one with a healthy and content pet.

    Most of all, enjoy your new frog.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  3. good for begginers;

    Appearance: Their color ranges from a green to a blue green or aqua color, and can be quite striking. They have a waxy film or coating on their skin that helps them retain moisture, so these frogs can tolerate more arid conditions than some other tree frogs

    Temperament: White's tree frogs are quite sedentary and docile, and can become fairly tame and tolerate handling. Remember however that amphibians have very sensitive skin and absorb chemicals through their skin, so extreme care is needed when handling (wash hand thoroughly with warm water and rinse well - natural oils and salts found on human skin can be damaging, as can any soap or lotion residue).

    Habits: They are nocturnal, so will be more active in the evening and night hours.

    Notes: good choice for beginning frog owners


    A diet of primarily crickets can be fed to White's tree frogs. Other items that can be fed include moths, beetles, cockroaches, grasshoppers, and earthworms. Fully grown White's may even take pinkie mice on occasion. Insects can be simply placed in the cage, or offered using blunt (rounded) tip forceps.

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