
I am thinking of joining the Peace corps, should I stay away from africa because of the violence??

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I was considering south america or eastern europe, any thoughts?




  1. I was a PCV in Zambia and never saw violence. I did have my pocket picked once but it was just loose cash. that I hadn't pushed into my pocket far enough. They places with violence are the places the Peace Corps is not doing work in until they stabilize and are asked to come in. You have to realize too that most volunteers in African countries are placed  in a rural settings aka Villages. You won't be in the cities unless you need food or clothes etc.... And the cities are where you can get pick pocketed but even that is a rare occurrence.

  2. You obviously haven't been to S.America, Africa or E.Europe if you think that Africa is the only place out of those where there is violence you need to avoid...

    That said, you don't get to choose where you go (or don't go) with the Peace Corps. They assign you to a location and position and you can either turn it down and wait another number of months for a new assignment (you can only turn down a certain number of positions - one or two) or you take it and go.

    Please don't generalize Africa. This is a HUGE continent and there are MANY areas that are safer than many N.American cities. Africa is not all the way they show it on tv.

  3. There's violence everywhere. There are plenty of countries in Africa that are peaceful, and plenty of countries in South America and Eastern Europe that are violent.

    You don't get to join the PeaceCorps. You get to *apply*, and hope that your skills (do you speak another language? have you ever managed a program on your own? do you have an extensive record of volunteering in your own city?) and your references are such that you are chosen to be a member. Most applicants don't make it. The country where you are placed -- *if* you make the cut -- will depend on your skills and experience.

    Here is a web site that can help you learn more about the skills and experience desired by organizations such as the PeaceCorps, and how you can start to gain such experience locally:

  4. there is violence where ever the Peace Corp goes...that's why they go there.

  5. Hey me too! :D

  6. The peace corps does not send people where there is political violence. Also, they have extensive safety policies. You're way too broad in generalizing Africa. There are plenty of places in Africa that are a lot safer than many neighborhoods in the United States, where millions of American citizens live. There are plenty of places all over the world that are "dangerous"--usually because the basic human resources necessary for dignified life aren't present. That's why the Peace Corps is needed.

  7. My husband's co-worker is from South Africa and he went back to attend a funeral for his murdered grandmother.  He said that's the only reason he'd ever go back.  He has told us some very very scary stories about that place.  He said that the movie Blood Diamond was a fairy tale compared to what it's really like.  The Peace corps are there to help and it's a noble cause.  I say go if you want to, they need help.   I feel grateful, however, that I was not born into South Africa myself.  Good luck in whatever you decide and thanks!

  8. Check the State Department's web site about travel and living condiitions in various African nations, then decide!

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