
I am thinking of joining the army what are the physical and educational requirements for this?

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  1. Your friendly local Army recruiter can answer all your questions

  2. You need to go talk to the recruiters. Thats what there for. You will get more complete and accurate information from them than you will on here. You need to talk to recruiters from all the branches so you can make an informed decision. Don't worry, you can't join the military from a recruiters office so getting information is nothing to worry about. yes they will get your contact information and if you are eligable to join they will be following up on you with phone calls every once in a while. Just be honest with them when they call. Every once in a while someone encounters a recruiter that is uncomfortably pushy. If you respectfully let him know that you are uncomfortable with his techniqe and that he/she is actually pushing you away from that branch, they will back off.

  3. Like everyone else said, talk to a recruiter.  I used to be one and the requirements change a lot, depending on accessions requirements (how many people they need).  In general you need a high school diploma.  Some services also take GEDs.  When I was a recruiter (just a little over a year ago for the Army) they would even accept some people without GEDs as long as they received it before they shipped off to basic.  There is a physical involved.  It is much like a sports physical that you would take in high school.  There is a weight/body fat limit also.  There was no physical fitness test when people joined but they had to take an abbreviated version before they left for basic training.  

    Some people might tell you that anybody can get in because of what is going on right now.  While there are a lot waivers out there that grant exceptions to policy a lot of things are show stoppers.  

    The requirements change often but this is the gist of it.  Talk to a recruiter and see what they have to say.  Just be sure to do your research before you go in there and you will be fine.  Send me a message if you have any more specific questions.

  4. a recruiter will tell you, but the basics to just join, either HS diploma or GED, or you can join while still in HS, as for physical, it's like 8.30 1 mile run 20 push ups and like 25 or 30 sit ups, it's nothing to very hard.  the more education you have though the better job and higher rank you can get when you first start

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