
I am thinking of making a cb deck is that a good deck i have thought a rainbow dragon tactics?

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can anyone answer my question plz




  1. rainbow dragon is a good card ( a free 4000 attack ... i dont see most people problems with it lol)

    if you want to make a competitive deck i would suggest basing it on using crystal abundance OTK (if you can get back any 4 other than amethyst cat and ruby carbuncle and summon anything else then you win that turn)

    rainbow dragon decks can be slow (i havent yet built 1 that has consistently got rainbow on the field in under about 8 turns) and hamon messes up the fields effects (although i still think this is the best deck for using hamon)

    the deck i am trying at the moment is a mixture of the three ... using rainbow and abundance with 1 hamon thrown in for the high attack power (or high defence) ... hope this helps

  2. I feel that it is yes. Theres 3 varients to the crystal beast decks

    -Rainbow dragon/ruins abuse

    -Hamon lord of Striking Thunder

    -Mage Power overdrive

    Rainbow dragon decks are effective because Rainbow dragon doesn't stop u using ancient citys effects like say Hamon does. Rainbow Dragon decks can be suprisingly fast and even have there own private call of the haunted x3 (rainbow Gravity) though I wouldn't recommend 3. The draw power in crystal beast decks can be very good providing you can establish control. As u probably kno pegasus makes this deck run smoothly so having 3 is an absolubt must!

    Here is a decklist that has worked well for me.

    Monsters: 18

    Rainbow Dragon x2

    Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus x3

    Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger x2

    Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise x2

    Crystal Beast Amber Mammouth x2

    Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle x2

    Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat x2

    Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle x2

    Marshmallon x1

    Spells: 17

    Ancient City- Rainbow Ruins x3

    Crystal Beacon x3

    Crystal Blessing x2

    Crystal Release x1

    Crystal Abundance x1

    Rare Value x2

    Scapegoat x1

    Lightning Vortex x1

    Terraforming x2

    Monster Reborn x1

    Traps: 5

    Torrential Tribute x1

    Crystal Pair x1

    Crystal Raigeki x1

    Rainbow Gravity x1

    Beast Soul Swap x1

    Let me explain the deck in front of you. You have at least 2 of every crystal beast. The reason being if say u ran only 1 Amethyst Cat and it was removed from play Rainbow dragon would be made impossible to summon. This makes your main tactic void. running two means even if 1 gets removed you can still get the other 1 and summon the Dragon. Marshmallon is in this deck becasue he provides an amazing defence in any deck. This deck needs a defence to balance it more giving you room and time to establish control with ruins. Ancient Citys Effects beg to be abused so by all means abuse all of them. Particuarly the 3rd effect and the 4th. Dont be afraid to tribute monsters to negate spells or traps. The 5th effect is useful when You have the combo of Ruby and pegasus on the back row. Recycling pegasus's effect is great in bringing out the dragon. It also thins the deck which is a good thing in case you were unsure. I'd say run Crystal Promise but I think it's very over-rated. Beacons should always search for pegasus unless you have two or more of them in the s/t zone in which case go ruby. Release is another searcher and 800 extra atk is nothing to be looked down on. Rare Values speed up the deck a lot and the extra draw is great. Vortex is jus there to clear the way reli and disarding your less effective CB doesn't bother u to much. The traps speak for themselves though beast soul swap is contraversial. It's good because it will allow the likes of pegasus to dodge pretty much Everything. Couple of exceptions but not many at all. Also use it on pegasus and you'll get an extra effect. it also allows for an extra atk. Anyways hope my little essay has helped. dont usually write this much but i enjoy the CBs. Happy duelin.


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