
I am thinking of relocating to Atlanta. I have a 9 yr old daughter, I have been in customer service for 9 yrs.

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I would like information of the Atlanta job market, housing and school system. I would also like to know about furthering my own education.I currently have 3 yrs of college. Please help




  1. Where is dad living? If she has a relationship with him where you're living, I say stay put and go to school there.

  2. Many of the school systems around Atlanta are failing. There is even one that is losing accreditation. GA is one of the lowest ranking states on test scores. On the recent CRCT 70-80 percent of 7th and 8th graders failed the social studies part, and a large percentage failed the math part. The Atlanta traffic is horrible and they are running out of water. You could probably find a house for pretty cheap because people are desperate to get out.

  3. 3 years of college, that's pretty good. People will like that. With experience, you should be able to get a job EEZY PEEZY

  4. try NC instead..Atlanta is having lack of drinking water these days.

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