
I am thinking of surgical penile enlargment. Has anyone gotten this procedure? What are the pros and cons?

by  |  earlier

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I know the surgery is kind of expensive, it think it will be cheaper than paying a psych/therapist, hehehehe! Please anyone with some advice?




  1. ouch!!! Surgery + p***s = bad.

  2. if you do please take this advice, you will need skin to expand into, to avoid skin grafts or tight erections you should do some stretching to get more shaft skin, it's the same technique as f******n restoration but in your case will give the surgery a better cosmetic result and it might be cheaper

    if your erections are already tight stretching some shaft skin might help add some length

  3. Here's some advice: If the surgery goes wrong you could not have a p***s at all. Imagine how much you'd be paying for a therapist then.

  4. Just save your money and spare the pain, be happy with your little weenie, haha, im glad i don't have your problem

  5. There are only two types of p***s surgeries to enlarge it.  the first they snip the ligaments hold the p***s in place.  All this does is hang your p***s lower when you are soft.  hard, it's still the same size, and won't point upward (which is actually more pleasurable to a girl, when the p***s points, instead of hangs downward).

    The other, the graft fat around the p***s.  About 40% of the fat goes away after a few months, and the rest stays...lumpy and soft.  girls prefer a hard p***s over a large p***s.

    don't be stupid, do not cut up your p***s.

  6. i think u had small

  7. Surgery will leave you scars and permanant damage.

    Here are three good natural p***s enhancement techniques I recommend for rookies. Done properly and consistently, they should add close to an inch or two to your p***s in six weeks.

    1. p***s stretches. This one is very simple. Just take your flaccid p***s and stretch it as far out in front of your body as it will go. Do it gently and gradually and hold it there for thirty seconds. Rest ten seconds between sets and repeat this at least ten times.

    2. Jelqing. This is another great technique for rookies. Get your p***s halfway erect, apply lubrication, and grip it tightly at the base with the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Slowly slide that hand up the shaft toward the tip, pushing as much blood into your p***s as possible. When you reach the tip, immediately grip the base the same way using the other hand and repeat. Do this nonstop for ten minutes.

    3. Ulis. This is a great exercise to increase girth. It is also very easy and does not take much time. Achieve a full erection and grip the base of your p***s the same way you would if you were jelqing. Squeeze as hard as you can without causing discomfort. Your p***s shaft should swell and your p***s head should get big and shiny. Hold for ten seconds and rest for ten seconds. Repeat this three or four times.

    Do this routine every other day and make sure you warm your p***s up before each workout by wrapping it in a hot washcloth for five minutes.

  8. Steak to what you have , nothing beats the original. Besides, it's too risky, if they make a boboo, instead of having a small one, you'll be having none.

    Besides, if the woman loves you, what you have is a treasure. Why not learn the art of  using your tongue and other techniques.

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