
I am thinking of taking my daughter aged 11 to Lorient in France for a couple of days and was wondering,?

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can anyone reccomend anything for us to do while there as never having been there before I know nothing about it, also could anyone reccomend somewhere for us to stay while there, somewhere thats reasonable many tanx




  1. eat the food and learn of the coulture

  2. Lorient was largely destroyed during World War II when German forces held out until the very end of the war, not surrendering until May 1945. Consequently, despite its historical importance as  key base for French colonialism there is essentially nothing left to see of historical importance.

    There is a museum devoted to the history of France's colonial ventures, Le musée de la Compagnie des Indes, whose webiste is here:

    The local tourism board has a website (in english) here:

    (NB: The English site doesn't seem to work very well..The French language part seems to work just fine. It is here:

  3. I can reccomend taking a boat trip to the Isle de Groix, going to the beach (Lamor Plage is a nice one) ,eating at nice restaurants which there are plenty of and day trips to towns and villages are a must-do! such as Carnac (there is an amazing ice cream shop there called igloo!) and good beaches. you could go futher afield and visit Vannes or take a boat trip around the 'Gulf du Morbihan' which i did last year and i particularly enjoyed! as for accomodation, i would recommend staying at a campsite which is cheap and there is plenty of things to do so your daughter won't get bored! to find out which site to stay at  just visit a travel agents and pick up some brochures!

  4. If I'm not mistaken, Lorient was the location of German submarine pens.  I saw them on the history channel and they were so fortified that even direct hits by British planes did little damage to the subs inside.  The British then turned to bombing the train tracks and the city around the submarine base which resulted in heavy damage to the city.  I got the impression that there were still submarine bunkers that one could visit.  See if you can find the Bureau de tourisme (called "Office de tourisme" in some towns).  They normally can give you suggestions on what to see.

  5. Just enjoy the culture as much as possible.  Try to immerse yourself thoroughly.  Do 'touristy' things too, but the more you actually feel like you belong there, the more memorable it will be.

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