
I am thinking opening a language school in Alicante. Does anybody know anything about the market down there?

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I have a Trinity College Diploma and an M.A International Educational Management. Is anyone working there at the moment or know anything of the market down there? How much capital would I need and what are do schools pay their teachers?




  1. Have you thought of teaching in an established school?

    That way you would earn experience and be able to look at your market and competition before you go on your own.

    Also you would have your social paid for you and you could probably teach privately outside school hours.

    I dont know about Alicante as I live near Malaga but if you look on this site it will show you a list of schools available, and maybe the Alicante area too.

    Hope this helps


    Just look down the left side for schools

  2. I am teaching here now, and there ARE a lot of language schools in spain.  But if you need a teacher, email me Ill help you out!

  3. There are so many and they have to charge a pittance or offer for free as there's so much competition. To start a business here is not easy and can take anything up to 18 months to get registration sorted, have to use lawyers, cannot buy something 'off the shelf' like in the UK and set up! Once you start the process, you will be registered with social security and once that is done, you will have to pay full contributions whether you are actually trading or not, if you are married the contribution covers wife/husband and children, but if only living with partner, then you will become responsible to pay their social security too, this is about 260€ per month at the moment.

    The costa's are in a very quite mode at the moment, but I don;t say that lightly, its the quietest they have ever been since the brits came, so many are going back and not so many coming out to live, properties are not selling, last year only 50% of new builds were sold at completion! There is a recession looming and when it bites, it will bite deep...I wouldnt bother with a language school here, think of somewhere else, such as the US where there is much more opportunity to work and develop oneself, its certainly not in Spain

  4. Hello,

    I'm spanish, I have to say you, that in spain there's a lot of language schools.

    If you check in paginas amarillas (yellow pages), you'll see all the language schools by city.

    Excuse me for my english.

  5. Sorry to disappoint, but we have more than enough people trying to earn a living teaching languages here. If you read any of the local Brit rags the  only tuition mainly on offer is Spanish. Great if you're a new arrival, but sooooooo boring for us that have been here years and speak the lingo.

    If it's English you wish to teach (and I presume so) it's still the same reply I'm afraid. Every street corner has a language school and some are genuine but others are not.

    My advice....choose another location there are too many Brits here in the Costas and ALL are trying to earn a living.

  6. Lot of language schools there

  7. Benidorm is near Alicante!  You would be better off opening a school teaching Spanish.  There are more English people there than there are Poles in England!

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