
I am thinking to have tarmac on my drive?

by Guest44605  |  earlier

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how much would i be looking to pay for about 9metres by 6 metres. i dont want to be stingy and have a c**p job but i do not want to be scammed either, any one know any good companies in west midlands?





    They cover West Midlands when you on their site click on (quote me now) then fill in the form and they will phone u back and whatever price they say is the price you pay

  2. Get at least 3 quotes, if any of the neighbours have had theirs done recently ask how much and are they happy with the job.

    Ask what other jobs they have done in your area. You could have a quick look.

    Suspect the area you say would be approx £1500.

    If its at the side of a house wall, suggest a row of flags / pavement drive blocks by the wall. Never liked tarmac right up to a wall.

  3. If you're environmentally inclined, think carefully about whether a tarmac drive is really necessary, they have been proved to cause flooding in some areas as, contrary to gravel or grass drives, they don't allow water to drain away so it all runs into the road causing water build-up in the drains especially after heavy rain.

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