
I am thirteen and I have very small b***s, how can I make them look or more importantly become bigger?

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Now I know that some of you will say I'm only thirteen, buts its a really big deal to me. I get made fun of it behind my back sometimes, and all of my friends have naturally really big b***s.




  1. well there is a bra out that has an air pump a small one you use by hand and it inflates the breast cup to make your bras look bigger and also there's one with water but i recommend the air in case they bust you wont have a wet spot on your shirt

  2. hey! don't be sad!!! i think you haven't finished growing!

    You are just little, can't rush things and at the end genetics will have the last say on how your breast look .No girl has the final phase of her breast already developed at 13 .

    If you feel you are developing slower than other girls , tell one of you parents to take you to an endocrinologist , you may be lacking in some chemicals like hormones, cortisol, insuline, or execesivelly producing testosterone wich doesnt allow you to grow at a normal rate and develop as most girls.

    If the other girls make fun of you its just cause they are stupid b*tches!

  3. They will grow. In the meantime, wear a padded or pushup bra to make them look bigger. That's about the easiest way. You can get special bras, but they are expensive. A good layer of padding should make you look a cup size bigger. Good enough for now. You don't want to go to school on Friday with an A cup, then show up Monday with a C cup! Everybody will think you're stuffing. Increase gradually. Good luck!

  4. Give yourself time. You are 13. Big b***s are not everything. I have them, I know. But, I did not used to. Wait, you'll see. What about yourself do you  like?

  5. well theres nothing to much you can do except stuff, but that wont get you too far.

    try wearing a pushup bra.

    but other then that just wait it out. your b***s will grow when you get your period (if you havent started yet) and they will grow until your early 20's.

  6. be patient.

    your just hitting puberty

    they will grow more

  7. I am 52 and have small b***s.

    It's Great,I hardly ever wear a bra,

    My b***s are not facing South,but remain pert.

    I understand how you feel as so did I at your age.

    Look on the positive,you have plenty of growing time.

    Why do you want big b***s?

    If it is to make you more appealing to the male side,

    Forget it. Any Guy that is looking at your b***s or lack of is only after one thing.Your Personality and Natural

    Aura are what attracts the decent chaps.  

  8. Wear a sweater? Lol!

  9. wear thick, darker colored shirts, it makes them look bigger somehow, lol thats why my maroon thick shirt is my favorite!

  10. The only sure way to make your b*****s grow is to gain weight, since b*****s are mostly fat tissue.  Otherwise, genetics will control your breast size.  Many girls don't start to grow their adult-sized b*****s until further into their teens or even in their 20s!  I was a size B until the middle of high school, then I went up to a C and when I turned 22 I suddenly had another "growth spurt" and my bra size is now a 34DD even though the rest of my body didn't get any larger.  So it all depends on when the breast-growing genes kick in.

    Unless you want to get fat.  :)

  11. Story of my life, imagine me seeing girls that are only 14 or 15 with bigger b***s than me (me being 22 now)! I used to buy pills and cremes, they didnt work and now that I've found a guy who doesn't care about that, I don't even care! I guess I've accepted it....just be glad you still have a chance to go through puberty and don't stress over it too much :)  

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