
I am tiling my kitchen floor. I have succesfully laid all the full size tile, my question is: is there an easy

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way to measure and cut the edge tiles? Please be as descriptive as possible. I have looked on the net but there really is not any good directions out there. Thanks!!

I am using a wet saw to cut. I need to figure out a good way to measure... again thanks for any advice.




  1. 1) Make a pattern of one full sized tile out of a piece of drawing or newspaper by tracing around it with a pencil.

    2) Position the pattern over the area you wish to cover and trace along the edges you need to cut or trace the paper carefully with a mat knife or razor.

    3) Place the new pattern atop the face of your tile and trace the edge you will need to cut.

  2. If you have trouble with tape measures turn your tile upside down and place  it over  your spot for your tile and mark each side of the tile then add your gap distance, transfer your mark from the bottom of the tile to the top, Use a straight edge to draw your cut line from top to bottom then cut, Should work fine...

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