
I am tired of bothering equifax they don't want to up my score back where it was or fix my credit report that

by  |  earlier

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I faxed to them . Also, my creditors faxed them a copy also. I have called several times no results someone help me please!!!!!!




  1. They're not going to "up your score" because you ask them to.  If their data is erroneous, follow their dispute procedures in writing via certified mail.  Forget phones, faxes and e-mail.

  2. The CRA's have set ways of doing business.  This includes proper procedures to follow to file a dispute.  If it it filed in the correct manner, they then have 30 days to resolve the issue.  Upon the completion of the 30 days they have to send you a new copy of your report showing their decision.

    Faxing disputes, talking on the phone, won't get you anywhere.  Here is a link to download how to dispute with the CRA.s  It tells you precisely what you need to do.  It has always worked for me.

    Download a pdf file regarding how to dispute with CRA's

    Hope this answers your question.

  3. The credit bureaus have a legal obligation to investigate your claim, but if the creditor verifies that you were late then you're out of luck.

    Just because you say it's wrong does not mean they will change it. Like I said they investigate it with your creditors and if they are satisfied with the creditors response that's it.

    If you still thinks it's wrong you need to  go to the creditors who are submitting the negative reports.

  4. You can use credit repair agency, for example this one -

    They will clean lots of such bad stuff from your credit report - and do it much faster than yourself, so your credit will go up.

    I generally agree with previous answerers - but you will spend lots of time by personally doing it... I guess you are not a lawyer.

  5. The person who said they have an obligation to only investigate is dead wrong.

    They have an obligation to prove what they have on your report. They only have 30 days to complete this or they have to remove any negative information. Most of the time they will automatically just respond with a letter that says information verified to see if you will not push it. I honestly believe they don't investigate anything unless you push them.

    From a business standpoint it is not cost effective for them to investigate claims. I would think they would try to avoid it as much as possible. When you push them for things like a copy of your credit card agreement with your signature on it or a copy of the receipt with your signature on it they can't produce it. Remember the burden of proof is on them not on you.

    A couple of years ago I tried to write a check at Wal-Mart and it was denied. I was given a code for why I was denied and an 800 number to call. When I called I was told that transunion was reporting me as "deceased" I called Transunion and they told me I needed to send them proof I was alive. I sent them a copy of my Flight Physical that I had done the week before and my reenlistment paperwork. I also included a note that said the Army does not reenlist or allow dead people to fly their aircraft. I received a letter a month later that said information verified. When I called them back they said well if that is what our computer says it must be right we don't put that code in unless we have proof. The lady kept on arguing I was dead; after awhile I said so do you talk to dead people often. Long story short it took me a year and getting a lawyer and threatening legal action to stop reporting me as dead.

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