
I am tired of not being liked by people. I need some advice. Can somebody please help me?

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I am tired of not being liked by people. I need some advice. Can somebody please help me?




  1. go g*y

  2. Quit worrying about not being liked by people. Find some other things to do with your life. Volunteer at a nursing home where there are lonely people who need friends. Volunteer at a school or a program for children who need homework help. Volunteer at some place where you will be with people, do not volunteer for a job that will put you in a corner. Volunteer for an animal shelter. You won't meet a lot of people, but you'll get unconditioned love from the animals you help to take care of.

  3. ask a more specific question and i would be glad 2 help, whats the common denominator? meaning what is the most common reason people don't like you?

  4. Likability isn't complex.  Actually it's simpler and shallower than we usually like to admit.

    Be physically attractive

    Dress according to the trends of your group

    Be agreeable with the views and interests of your group

    Smile and have good posture

    Act happy, even if you're not

  5. I yeild to the advice of Dale Breckenridge Carnegie:

    For the terminally lazy:

    Fundamental Techniques in Handling People

    "Don't criticize, condemn or complain."

    "Give honest and sincere appreciation."

    "Arouse the other person an eager want."

    Six Ways to Make People Like You

    "Become genuinely interested in other people."


    "Remember that a man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language."

    "Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves."

    "Talk in the terms of the other man's interest."

    "Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely."

    Twelve Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking

    "use the clown hole."

    "Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never tell someone they are wrong."

    "If you're wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically."

    "Begin in a friendly way."

    "Start with questions the other person will answer yes to."

    "Let the other person do the talking."

    "Let the other person feel the idea is his/hers."

    "Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view."

    "Sympathize with the other person."

    "Appeal to noble motives."

    "Dramatize your ideas."

    "Throw down a challenge."

    Nine Ways to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment

    "Begin with praise and honest appreciation."

    "Call attention to other people's mistakes indirectly."

    "Talk about your own mistakes first."

    "Ask questions instead of giving direct orders."

    "Let the other person save face."

    "Praise every improvement."

    "Give them a fine reputation to live up to."

    "Encourage them by making their faults seem easy to correct."

    "Make the other person happy about doing what you suggest."

  6. Use Purfume

  7. Do you like yourself?

    If not, why?

    If it is over looks - get over it and learn to live in your own skin.

    Is it something that needs changed - do it (if you can change it).

    One thing I have learned is that unless I love myself (with a valid amount of self love), no one will love me back.

    So look for those good and great things about you, so that you do not need the affirmation of others.

    Another thing you need to think about is are those somebodies just those that have not learned to love themselves either?

  8. i loove you

  9. you should walk up to the most popular person in your school and punch him in the face.

  10. Get a dog.  As long as you feed it and throw it a tennis ball occasionally,  it will love you.

  11. You didn't give us very much information but .....

    Most of the time people make friends with others they believe they can trust.

    If you are having a problem with people liking you my first thought is that for some reason you are giving others the impression that you are someone who they cannot trust or are someone who only cares about them-self.  This is probably not who you are in reality, but just maybe what others perceive you to be.

    Why don't you try extra hard to be really helpful and kind to everyone you come across for the next week and see if your luck changes?

  12. I have found that taking an interest in others goes a long way toward inviting people into my life. I would advise you to talk with people in a way that shows you are interested in what they do and what they care about. When talking to people, try not to talk too much about yourself by turning the focus onto others. When that gets returned, speak of yourself from your heart but don't give it all away. Leave something for the next conversation. And look people in the eye.

    My daughter went to the high school where I still work in the Library. Whenever she came in to see me, she'd remind me: "Smile, Mom! It helps!" When I walk through the halls, I try to keep the corners of my mouth turned up so that students see a kind face.

    Random acts of kindness are also a good exercise. You will feel better and it will show on your face, making you appear approachable!

    Good Luck! I am so impressed that you are looking to make a positive change in your life.

  13. Are we not good enough for you?

  14. Communication is where to start, make eye contact, and smile alot. Be interested in what people have to say. Don't just expect them to listen to what YOU have to say. Make sure your not walking around with a mean look on your face even if your fine, that scares alot of people off.

  15. well u gotta figure out why people don't like you for a start, then improve on those things  

  16. I LIKE YOU =)

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