
I am tired of working for the man. I work for a bank and i need to get out quick. Any suggestions or ideas ?

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I am just sickened to the bone when think of waking up to work for this beast called Corporate America. Trust me, i know my stuff and I am a real hard worker. Extremely musically inclined but my energy and time is going to the man so I can live on a daily basis. I am desperate for ideas and tips or even some help so I can have something genuine to wake up to every morning. Help, please please help. I want out as soon as possible.




  1. Find what you really want to do and start working towards that goal.

    You like music start on the weekends or your days off.  Go from there.  When you are able to pay all your bills quit your current job.

  2. well, if you rob the bank, you'll have money, and they won't let you work there anymore.  that will solve 2 problems.  jk DO NOT ROB THE BANK!

  3. Have you ever thought about working for yourself!  There are many work from home “opportunities.”  These opportunities provide you with the vehicle to work from home and build your own business.  The difficult or frustrating part about finding the right opportunity is that there are many offers that are not legitimate, but scams.  Theses scams make it difficult for the companies that truly offer a legitimate opportunity to work from home.  Usually, work from home opportunities have a small investment to start your own business.  These are okay as long as they are around $100, anything much more than that and I would stay away.  Also if they require a monthly overhead to run the business it should include things like your websites, training, back office system, and support.  Remember any business that you start and want to continue (whether it’s retail, restaurant, or home-based) will always have start up costs and monthly expenses.

    I am a stay at home mother of 2 (ages 4 and 2).  My husband works 6 days a week and I do not have much help in the area of child care for my children.  On my journey to finding the right work from home opportunity I tried everything from selling vitamins, lotions and many other product based companies.  I also looked into processing information online.  What I realized with all these companies is that I usually put more money back into my business and ended up with lots of product I really did not need.  I also was very skeptical of some of those online work from home websites that really never got to the point of what I would be doing to earn income.

    Finally, I was given information on a legitimate work from home company.  At first I was very skeptical and paid no attention to the information.  Then one day my mother needed to have some dental work done but had no insurance.  I remembered that I had some information on discount dental plans.  Once I researched the information I had been given, I realized that I could provide my mother with a way to pay less for her procedure and earn an income for signing her onto the discount dental plan.  I have been with the company since and am on the fast track toward building a residual income.

    I work 15 hours a week (give or take a few) for a National Discount Medical Benefits Company.  The company has been in business for over 16 years and is continuing to expand!  We have been featured on "60 minutes", "The New York Times", "Wall Street Journal", "Time Magazine", and "American Medical Review" as one of the most reputable, legitimate home based companies.  We are members of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Dental Plans and the owner of the company sits on the board of The Consumer Health Alliance, which we are also a part of their membership.

    Our company addresses the number one problem in US, which is that 70% of Americans can't afford or can't get health insurance for whatever reason.  We are an alternative for people who are suffering with their health because of this issue.  Now to work for our company you don't have to know everything there is to know about Health Care.  Our company will train you on how to communicate our services to those who need it.  We have over 2 million members that use our plans and save money on their health care.

    When you work for the company you are able to set your own hours and build a residual income while you work.  Because we get paid month after month, year after year for the work we do our income is always increasing and we get paid even when we don’t work.  The company also does not enforce a monthly quota, which was important to me.  I wanted to have the flexibility to work when I wanted and how much I wanted.   Of course the more you put into your business the more income you will receive.  

    Some of the benefits we offer are 401k, direct deposit, life insurance and a family benefit package for your entire household.  The next best thing is there is no cold calling, telemarketing, stocking of inventory, collecting of payments, and no home parties!  This was very important to me as I had the child care issue to deal with and wanted to be able to stay home and work without having to leave my house.  

    Another great thing about our company is that we all work together to as a team.  We are not out to compete with our fellow representatives.  Whenever I need advice my team is there to help me to be a success.  This was also very important as I was new to the business and wanted the team support you get working a 9-5 job without having to work the 9-5 job.   I have also made many friends along the way and still have the interaction with adults while taking care of my children at home.

    I guess I could go on and on about what we do and how we get paid, but the best thing for you to do is research the company for yourself and determine if it is right for you.  

    Check us out at

  4. If your sick of working for Corporate America, then get out!

    Your musically inclined?  Well it's difficult to give you suggestions on where to go and what to do.  That is a very broad statement of being Musically inclined.  Okay, what do you want to do with music?  Start a band, open up a music shop, teach people to play an instrament, write songs, what??

    Start a home business with one of these things?

    You need to search for exactly what you want with music, where you want to be 10 years down the line, and what you want to be doing.  Maybe it's in the music industry writing songs for movies for the bands that play the background music, I dont' know.  But you need to be more specific on exactly what you do with music.  It's a huge industry.  If you don't like "working for the man" then you need to work for yourself.  That would be the only way you would have something to wake up to every morning.  You need to find a nitch.  I've found mine by writing down everything I wanted and wanted to do with my life and found a vehicle that gave me the opportunity to acheive exactly what I wanted to do in my life.  I'm not going to tell you what I do because you stated you didn't want to leave the music industry, and what I do other then "hearing" music, it really has nothing to do with the music industry.  Without knowing exactly what you can and can't do, other then just "musically inclined" I don't know where to point you out.  So what I stated is the best I can do.

    Good Luck to you


  5. I am 23 and make a 6 figure income working for myself. If you are interested e-mail me

  6. Probably not the answer your looking for but I saved my pennies & now travel from cheap foreign country to another. And boy, do I love my life!!

  7. Being an entrepreneur is definitely an option. Most small businesses take awhile to get going, but if you start now, doing something on the side, you may find yourself making enough to quit much sooner than you think. My internet-based business is almost four years old now, and I'm making more each year.

    If you haven't read The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss, I highly recommend it. He talks about starting an internet-based business that can free you up to have a life. There are many, many ways you can earn money online, but try to learn from people who are actually making money, like Jim Edwards, Alexandria Brown, and Armand Moran, not people who are just hoping.

    There are a number of good weekend seminars that can get you started on creating an online business. I haven't been to all of them, but I go to as many as possible. Most are preceded by a series of helpful free teleseminars, from which you can glean great information (and the price is definitely right!).

    The next conference that I know of is put together by Ali Brown, and she provides excellent information. Here a link to the page where you can learn more about it: (Mouse over the link, and you should see a preview of the page- rather cool when it works;-).)

    There are other seminars and conferences, and I'll try to revisit this post and add links as I remember them. Whatever you do, I wish you the best of luck!

  8. If you can afford it, ask for a leave of absence for a year.   Take that time to travel and volunteer. Think about what you really want to do.  Maybe even take up some part time "test" jobs.   If nothing ends up working out, go back to your old job with tales of your traveling and volunteering.

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