
I am totally and completely confused about drugs...??

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Well, no. Not "Drugs" in general, just people's overall view on drugs...

Ok, I'm 15, my mum smokes, some of my best mates smoke, I have tried smoking. Not addicted, by the way. I have only been drunk once, when I was with a friend, but generally hate alcohol; the taste anyway. My dad likes drinking. My mum has tried Marijuana, long before she ever though about even meeting my dad, so I was never in the equation, it was responsible. And one of my mates smokes Marijuana on a fairly regular basis. No one I know personally has ever tried Party Drugs of any sort, though I have some friends who want to, and I have never been pressured into trying them. I want to try Marijuana once, and see what it's like.

However, when one of my friends heard about this, she went totally off her nut at me and started saying that I would get addicted and start stealing money off my family and friends to get drugs. I told one of my mates, he isn't big on drugs or anything, but all he said was, "Have some food around, because Marijuana gives you the munchies." He didn't give a toss aboout me wanting to try it once, and this other friend was going totally spaz that I had even suggested it! I mean, my mate probably would not have been so laid back if I had said that I wanted to try XTC (which I don't, it scares me.) where my friend (the one who went skits about it) would immediately sign me into the nearest asiglum and not let me out for the next four decades!

Where do people's view come from and why do some people have such bizzare and over imaginative minds and "opinions" about drugs, where others are fairly laid back about it and don't really mind??

I personally, know all the risks, I have learnt about it in school. But I have no problems with Marijuana or Alcohol. I have always viewed the lessons as being there to inform you about the drugs so you can make up your own minds about it, and have your own views about what drugs are "good" "bad" and "ugly".




  1. I will make it very simple for you..

    stay away from




    Just smoke weed but responsible..Those other drugs are loaded with chemicals and very dangerous, Dont do E ..I have done it but not anymore becasue i had major side affects and its very VERY dangerous.

    Weed is the safest...Just dont do it all the time.Always put ur prioritys first then at the very end of the day smoke a blunt to relax..But really stay away from everything else..

    PPl who say weed leads to other drugs never even tried it because if u did u wouldnt be saying that pure garbage

    The guy below doesnt know either

    Here in NYC skunk is cheap..Its considered a 10 not a 20...

    Haze and dro is good.But skink, c'mon...CHEAP

  2. There are a lot of rumors circulating about marijuana. I don't have a science doctorate, nor have I studied it in a laboratory setting, but I can tell you about my experience.  I know lots of people who could be termed "stoners".  And I do mean lots.  I would say 80% of the people I associate with smoke it regularly.  They are all fully functioning, they have families, they are completely sane, very calm people.  They have never stolen from their families to support a weed habit, and have never gotten into any sort of accident while high.  Alcohol is much much much much more dangerous than marijuana will ever be, I can guarantee you that.

    Now.... as far as marijuana being a 'gateway' drug... It's true that most people who use hard drugs try marijuana first, but most marijuana users DON"T go on to use harder drugs.

    It does not make you schizophrenic.  Schizophrenia is a hereditary disease involving the neurotransmitter dopamine.  Whether or not you smoke pot has absolutely nothing to do with it.

    As far as people's opinions and how much thy vary... well that's true with anything.  Perhaps your friend who flipped has been educated by her parents who told her that she would steal and become a bad person if she ever smoked.

    Persoanlly, I have done every single drug you can think of and had a pretty bad cocaine habit for years.  I've been clean from all hard drugs for 6 years now, and still to this day smoke marijuana.  I'm going to school, will be working on a master's degree soon, have a family and a home. My advice is to stay away from everything else, including alcohol.  You are obviously underage, and in my experience, most people, particularly those underage, have no idea how to consume alcohol in a responsible manner. I can tell you so many stories about things that went wrong when there was alcohol involved.  Stay away from everything else, and don't do anything that you don't want to do.  Ultimately the choice is yours.  Just make sure that you are in a safe environment, with people whom you trust.  Don't smoke it when you have to take care of responsibilites (i.e. don't get blazed then study for your history test) and don't get caught with it.

  3. People have different opinions about it due to experience and morals.  

  4. As someone who abused them for decades, I am advising you in the strongest terms possible to avoid all drugs. If you choose to disregard this warning, never say: "Why didn't someone tell me?"   Neither your "friends", nor often, even their dealers know if those drugs have been adulterated ("cut", but what with?), or not properly synthesized in the first place, and you never know just how your body will react to a drug. The worst ones to get into are: (1.) The opiates, such as heroin (diacetyl morphine), methadone, morphine, and various derivatives, often used as analgesics (painkillers). (2.) The stimulants, such as Methedrine (crystal meth), and related products, like "ice". These are all physically addictive, like "crack" cocaine. Ecstasy and amphetamines are known to suppress serotonin in the brain, sometimes permanently. You can overheat, cook your brain, and die. After the high, you pay with a low: some people can't handle this, and suicide.

    Next come prescription medications and other drugs, many of which are also addictive, or dangerous. Then the psychedelics, such as LSD (acid), magic (hallucinogenic) mushrooms, containing psilocybin, and peyote, which contains mescaline. Although they are not addictive; the hallucinations, and "flashbacks" can be fatal, not only at the time, but decades later, if driving, working up a ladder, or doing other potentially dangerous things.

    Long term use of marijuana* changes the pleasure pathways of the brain , so that you can have difficulty experiencing pleasure from other, non drug sources, and this can take a considerable time to recover from, even partially, and it can premanently affect short term memory adversely, and shrink the emotional centres of the brain, affecting the ability to form lasting relationships. It can permanently destroy the ability to perform higher mathematics, or physics.  Sometimes* it is "laced" with heroin, or opium dregs, either to boost the effect of poor quality product, or to get you hooked. View section 52, below. ~~~ A previous question follows:

    "Omg someone help me a docter would be good?

    i had a some hydro and the next day nothing seems the same only fifteen and i cant let my parents know or they will kill me..heres the problem; the next day i cant seem to feel anymore. i can feel but i cant seem to feel happy or anything. for example when i hug my girlfriend i know it feels good but i cant feel the love i used to feel everything seems so empty. when i take a warm shower i feel warm but i dont feel good for being warm. when i eat a chocolate cake it tastes good but i dont get that special euphoric feeling anymore everything seems so fake. please help me i cant live like this "

    BTW: Kelsey misrepresents the situation: in those people who have a genetic predisposition to schizophreniform disorders, but in whom it had never previously been expressed, have begun to suffer from them, after using marijuana, after which they may well need medication (which carries risks, and undesirable side effects) for the rest of their lives!

  5. The lessons about drugs were not given so you could make up your own mind. They were given so that you will know the reason why the LAW says you WILL NOT use or traffic in them. Drugs are bad news for countless reasons.

  6. So is everyone else  

  7. Well all I can tell you is that from experience with drugs and alcohol for the past 15 years, as well as being a recovering addict and alcoholic, I wish I never tried them growing up.  I would love to say that all my experiences with drugs and alcohol were bad, but every time I got in trouble with the law I was drinking and drugging.  I've overdosed many times and been in Psych wards and instituions, made alot of money and lost alot of money, all due to addiction and alcoholism.  Does this mean to say that smoking a little weed or drinking will make you turn out like that, maybe not, but why even find out.

    Your mind is a bad thing to waste, and all drugs and alcohol do is take you away from life.  If you really want to start showing up for your own life, dont pick up that first drink or drug.  Speaking from experience, my life would have been better without it.

  8. Drugs are bad. End of story. They kill you and poison you from the inside.

  9. that's a good question and it deserves a good answer.....

  10. You are 15 and you smoke and drink? Just think about this: Will drinking,smoking or doing drugs enhance my life in any way? You know the answer. Do the right thing.

  11. Your friend is probably going nuts because pot leads to other drugs. I wouldnt even try it if I were you. I know from watching my daughters try pot then go to harder drugs. You want to get high and the high changes

  12. Well in general, people don't really think of marijuana as a really dangerous drug. My husband smokes marijuana on a daily basis and it doesn't bother me. I've gotten so used to it it's like he's smoking a cigarette. I don't smoke or drink but marijuana has never been that big of a deal to me and the US is really close to legalizing it for medical purposes. My mom has cancer and b/c of it she doesn't really have an appetite. She takes a pill called marinol which is really marijuana in pill form. She doesn't get high, she just gets the munchies. Each situation is different though. I have seen people I went to high school with start out smoking marijuana in high school and now they are on crack, cocaine, meth, and other drugs. So marijuana can be a gateway drug. Just remember that regardless of what you think, marijuana is illegal and you can be arrested if it's found on you.  

  13. if i was you, i wouldn't try weed (marijuana). you probably will enjoy the consequences and want to use it more and then when you use it more you will start to feel paranoid and using marijuana can also sometimes make you schizophrenic (i think that's how you spell it?)  

    but as you said you know the risks, you should know all that already.

    but in your case, as you said you aren't addicted to smoking, you shouldn't even smoke, let alone try weed. or any drugs. even just to know what it feels like. it probably feels good but your killing yourself using it so whats the point?

    some people might have high opinions about drugs because they feel its really wrong (which it is) and some are laid back because maybe they have that kind of lifestyle or have tried it themselves.

    (:  hope i helped.

  14. marijuana is addict, i know i have two kids that have used it for years my daughter says she gets head acks if she runs out, she started when she was 14 and went on to all the other drugs my son gets real anger and mad at the world if he runs out he is 35 my daughter is 43 don,t do it , it will control your life, marijuana is the start on a long road of h**l for you and your mom,,

  15. marijuana- good -avoid the heavy duty 'skunk' so named because of its distinctively strong smell (and effect!).  It's not always a fun experience.  .  My advice generally is consume things that are grown rather than patched together in a laboratory.  Thus alcohol is ok too!

  16. You shouldn't do any drugs, be high of life and positive thinking and you will accomplish anything, drugs will just pull you back and make you depressive and miserable!!! MJ will not kill you the first time u try it but you will try it again and again and again.. and so on to the other drugs... stay away from that c**p be smart and live life happy and healthy!!! just watch the people around you that do drugs and see how they life will come out and how your life will come out!!! ILL PROMISE YOU'LL BE THE WINNER!!!  

  17. weed is ok.. alcohal has its troubles if abused.. cigarettes will hook you and then kill you in the long run. crack will make you paranoid or go schizoid. mushooms are natures gift but not to be used regulary.. stay away from man made drugs like LSD, sherm....

    coke is bad like crack. herion will ruin your life..

    and if i didnt mention it dont do it...

    but really, just smoke weed : )

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