
I am totally fed up with contact from my x husband what do I do to resolve this major issue?

by Guest59215  |  earlier

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Ah well its was about 15 years ago. Think I may leave the country it seems to be the only answer but that involves leaving kids behind. I have no choice.




  1. come to australia & ya kids will follow later..may!!!...or go to some other country you may like........

  2. That's a tough one. I suppose you have to tackle him about it, discuss why he feels the need to be in contact so much. If that fails to resolve it, there's always the legal route, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to resort to that.  Discussion is the only answer.

  3. You don't have to do that. You go to a Solicitor and apply for a Restraining Order against your ex. This means he has no contact with yo by Phone letter or verbally. If he breaks this Court order, he can be arrested.

    You may be able to get Legal Aid for this.

  4. Would you like the lone of my seven foot henchman for the week old girl, I'm sure Bongo will see to it your no longer bothered by this chap. Tip top.

  5. Have him whacked?

  6. My ex partner was harassing me for months (havn't seen him in two weeks woo hoo) Dont engage with them at all, ignore all attempts at contact. Record all contact (Call's, txt's, letters etc) keep a diary with dates, times, and how you feel, then get a kick *** lawyer.

  7. Kill him?

  8. Get a good lawyer to help you .

  9. Pay him MORE alimony!  He may leave then.

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