
I am totally in love what should i do?

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there is a girl that i am totally in love with,she is my best friends sister she is 19 i am 16 i know she is older but i cant take her out of my mind i know everything about her what she likes and dislikes i am starting to feel like a stalker yes we talk a lot 3 hours or 5 hours a day i have no problem talking to girls and getting laid but i cant think about anything but her she is smart funny and hot i am thinking of studying hard next year so i can finish high school early so i can ask her out ,all of the girls a went out with are nothing like her i cant think marrying a girl other than her i have known her for 5 years so should i study hard for her so i can be good enough for her or you think she went agree




  1. Dude ur 16 she's 19 i dont think theres much of a chance coz she will be at college next year. But anyway go for it she might say yes

  2. 3 words 4 u. ASK HER OUT! If you have known each other for so long and you love her then she probably luvs u 2.

  3. Take her hand, look her in the eye, and say, "(Insert girls name here), you are the most beautiful girl in the world. You are smart, funny, and I must have you".  

  4. Age is irrelevant. But life experiences and 'stage of life' issues can be relevant. People can love at any age, and love someone of any age. So everything depends on the specifics.

    So let's get down to specifics!

    First off, your warm loving feelings are turning into an obsession. This is not a good thing. It can also be very scary (as in "stalking"). So you should get as clear as you can about that. Think with your mind, not your emotions or your sexual apparatus. If you cannot do this you will not stand a chance.

    Second, if you can cool it a bit, see if you can arrange to talk to her about your interest. I know you talk frequently, but tell her this is important and you want to meet her someplace (a bookstore cafe is always good) to talk about it.

    Tell her you have been more and more interested in her, and that you understand that your age difference could make it hard for her to take a serious interest in her. Tell her you think you are reasonably mature and that in a few years your age difference won't matter at all. (My wife is 23 years younger than I am, and after a few years no one even notices or cares).  Then ask her whether she would go out with you and get to know you better.

    Ask, and then LISTEN. You'll learn a lot. Don't have great expectations; at your age this three year difference is also a difference in school status and 'stage of life'.  

    Be willing to take "no" for an answer. If she is as special as you say she is, she will find a way to say "no" in a way that [preserves your friendship and your personal self-esteem. Even if she says yes, don't come on like gangbusters. Don't tell her you love her. Don't tell her you want to marry her. Save that for the next date!

    Good luck.

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